Chapter 49: A surprise Part A

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So i stood up and went to the bathroom. Got dressed up in casual wear and went down and prepared to go out when suddenly everything went dark  ... 

That's when i noticed that Janine covered my eyes with a blindfold. i really am starting to think that i'm going to meet Dylan... nope! screw that... but i'll just go for Janine's sake


Janine's pov

mwehehehehehehe.... my plan's working perfectly! now all i need is to distract Kayla and wait for Dylan to come and join us. i really thank Dan cause if it weren't for his help i couldn't help Kayla and Dylan to be friends :3


Kayla's pov

okay so Janine made me get in my car and we rode to somewhere i really don't know.... of course i still had my blindfold on until we finally stopped and i got out of the car and when Janine took off my blindfold...

"oh my gosh!!! Janine!! why didn't you just tell me we were going to Jane's house??"

"well Jane was the one who told me to surprise you, and it's a(n) girls only sleepover until Sunday afternoon"

"awww you guys are the best!!!"

Jane comes toward us both

"you ready?"

"heck yeah! i was born to be ready!!"

"then let's go!!"

Janine skips inside like a little girl enjoying in a playground. hehehehehe i really didn't expect this! man... why did i think we were gonna meet Dylan? heh silly me!!

"soo what are we gonna do first?"

"hmmm..... can we go for a swim in your pool Jane?" Janine asks like a kid

"of course! it's open 24/7 plus we are the only ones here. My Dad and Mom allowed me to have the house alone for 3.5 days cause they were going on a little "bonding" soo yeah!! plus if you ever need anything just call on my servants for the whole 3.5 days, okay?"

i looked at Jane with confused eyes

"why just our 3.5 days?"

Jane just giggled and said

"you'll know"


Janine's pov

oh and i forgot to mention they both lost our "secret bet" so they have to serve us the whole 3.5 days, you guys know who they are ;). 

hehehehhehe like i said it is all going to plan i also really thank Jane for the whole cover up thingy just to make Kayla and Dylan to be friends again~ hehehehhehe what did i say? i'm going to make it worse.


and again back to Kayla's pov

well might as well enjoy these 3.5 days in Jane's house with no worries and no distraction *sigh* i still feel sullen tho...

so i sat on a seat near the pool while Janine and Jane went to change in their swimsuits. i just told Jane that i won't swim cause i still need to finish the book i'm reading.. so there i was sitting waiting for Jane and Janine, reading a book and slowly turning into a(n) introvert. it's just me when i read books i like. 


"what are you reading?"

Janine takes a look at the cover of the book i'm reading

"ohhh so you're reading The school for the good and evil eh? wow! you're already book 2!! you're a total bookworm"

"well not really it's just i like these kind of books"


thus Janine dived into the pool like a pro.. oh yeah and i forgot to mention Janine is a professional swimmer she won 35 gold medals, 16 silver medals, and 3 bronze medals... i know athletic right?

oh well...


Janine's pov

while i dove in the pool i thought that i might call my plan "the surprise" is it okay? cause i really won't spoil a lot of points in my plan cause you know.. it's a surprise~


 hey peeps sorry for updating too long ~.~ 1st quarter exams are already on soo i really needed to study well i hope you enjoy the surprise XD see you peeps~ 

Panda-chan out~ /(~.~)\

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