Chapter 45: was this a date or a joke?

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As i went out of our house i saw Dylan in a casual wear..  Same style as mine.... and he also did put on his shades~ hmmm (where's the sun?) heheheheh nah.........

"so are you just gonna stand there and stare at me or you wanna go?"
Dylan asked politely while holding the door of his car for me

"oh-uhm yeah"
i sounded like an untuned piano 

*he giggles a bit*


"nothing just you look cool and pretty in your outfit"
*he smiles*

"w-well thanks~"

so i went inside his car which was the latest model in which his dad made~ and we jammed through some songs like:

Gone, Gone, Gone by Philip Philips 
The Days by Avicii 

The Nights also by Avicii
Hall Of Fame by The Script
Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
Hero/Heroine by Boys Like Girls
and so much more
(well mostly the songs i put here are my faves)

until we reached our destination... it was actually a place which iv'e never seem before or just a familiar place that i can't recall..

"welcome to our own restaurant!"
Dylan excitedly said

"you gotta be kidding me"


"no way"

"oh wait watch this.... Stead auto lock"

*the car locks itself*

"say what?!?"

"well it only obeys me and my father soo yeah shall we eat?"

"uhhm yeah sure~"

we sat on a table where there are also some customers that are chatting relaxing and stuff so yeah we're not alone.... (the waiter comes toward our table)

"good evening young master what would you and your friend would like to have?"

"uhmmm we'll just get the usual"

"coming up sire"

*the waiter walks away*

"woah what did you mean by usual?"

"uhmm... a medium Californian tenderloin steak don't worry it won't stick between your teeth"

"ohhh okay~"

"soo what do you want to talk about?"

"oh yeah what does "stead" mean didn't you call your car stead?"

"oh it stands for Service Transmittor Evolutionary Auto Drive"

"well that's a long name"




to be continued next chapter

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