Chapter 2: the new discovery

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Finally the rain stopped and i said to him thank you and bid good byes.... But we managed to switch numbers...

What is this feeling?? Deep inside... The tingling feeling.... Nah I'll just go home and rest for today...

When i got home i put my bag near the edge of the bed.  I took off my ID and my cravat. And lied on my bed and closed my eyes when suddenly.... "KAYLA!!!  DINNER!!" mom shouted downstairs....  "NOT NOW MOM!!  IM ALREADY FULL!! I ATE BEFORE I CAME HOME!! " i shouted back.. Mom just replied with a okay. After a short while I slowly closed my eyes and slept.

A month has passed and nothing out of the ordinary happened... After a week of exam..

It's friday of  July 21.. Man i'm exited to see my grades...  It was killing me!! When our advicer finally came in and announced...

"okay class from top five we have Jane. Top four Dan. Top three is Janine. Top two is Dylan and top one is....  (the teacher puts a bit of suspense ) is...  KAYLA!! congratulations to all and work hard for the next quarter.."

*i can't believe it!!  Im the top one!! *

(bell rings) "okay you may have your lunch class"

Soo i went towards Janine and congratulated her for a job well done.. She did likewise and i invited her to my house later for a celebration..  She said yes...

*finally i can spend time with her and get to know her better*

(At the house)

"MOM!! I AM THE TOP 1 IN OUR CLASS!!  can we throw a little party?"

Mom replied "oh really?? Well okay then.." i mumbled to my self "yes!! "

At my house, they are amazed to my big white house.  They said that I am the richest kid on class.  The European Gold Chandelier,  a thick crystal stairs and a lot of other countries' stuff.

All i just said it's all ordinary.....

The next chapter will change the rest of her life...

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