I did a thing (God help me)

354 13 37

I had my friends guess the characters names and personalities, here are their answers:


1. Jake, he's annoying as hell but also has a huge ego.

2. Carl, he seems like the kind of person who always wants to do his plan but others don't.


1. His name is Luke and that's all I can give you.

2. He's named Kyle and he's smart but super stuck up and hates when people disagree with him. He is Helpfully Unhelpful™


1. Luna, she's really smart and a nice person and wants to help others.

2. Her name is Cassandra and she's kind but also hard-headed.


1. Her name is Ella and she's always good to people, but she will fight you and she is strong.

2. IDK her name, but she seems like a friendly person you should have a healthy amount of fear of


1. Tough and also doesn't know when to stop.

2. Her name is Cassandra and she's evil and mean as fuck


1. Like the kid from Up

2. He looks like a James and he's comic relief


1. Uhhh Derek and he's boring and mean. Maybe does something amazingly good once but that's it.

2. Angry and aggressive um makes situations stressful sometimes, and a Derek

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