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This is just a giant spam to make up for the utter lack of updates. I'm so sorry, I promise I'm still in the fandom I just have less time on my hands now. Anyway, let us begin 

Varian: Pros and cons of dating me.
Varian: Pros- You'll be the cute one.
Varian: Cons- Holy shit, where do I begin-

Yong: Hugo, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean?
Hugo: I don't know, I love you, talk to you later.
Yong: Alright, I love you too, I'll ask Nuru.
Hugo: Wait- Yong, no-

Nuru: *is hugging Yong*
Hugo: Hey! It's my turn to hug Yong!
Hugo: *grabs Yong*
Varian: *kicking down the door* What do you mean, "yOuR tUrN"? We agreed now is my time slot!
Nuru: No, It's still my turn!
Yong: *suffocating* Guys, I love you, but just because I'm the smallest doesn't mean you can be hugging me constantly!
Hugo: But we need the moral support!
Nuru: And you're small! Which is cute!
Varian: If I don't hug you right now I think the depression will kick in and my body will stop functioning.
Yong: *close to tears* Well- I, I guess.

Hugo: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong?
Yong: Strong.
Varian: Weak.
Nuru: An idiot, is what you are.

Nuru: Do you have a bobby pin?

Hugo: Yeah. *searches in his hair*
Hugo: Oh, no, wait. I'm not a nine-year-old girl.

Hugo: This bloodline ends with me.
Nuru: That's the fanciest way I've ever heard someone say "I'm gay"

Hugo: So you like cats?
Varian: Yeah.
Hugo: *tries to impress him by slowly pushing a glass off the table*

Nuru: Guys where did Hugo go?
Varian: He got arrested.
Nuru: How the hell-
Hugo: *bursts in through the window* The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people.

Yong: Why were you up yesterday until 3am?
Hugo: How did you know I was up until 3am?
Varian: We could hear you clapping to the FRIENDS intro every 25 minutes.

Ulla: It'll be fun.
Ulla: We'll make a day of it!
Ulla: Come on you punk bitch.
Donella: I can't believe I have to say this.
Donella: I don't have time to get tested for STIs with you tomorrow.

Donella: I dunno if I'm ready to process the ramifications of this bullshit.

Donella, hungover: Please tell me I'm imagining that I claimed I was king of the ducks.
Ulla: I would, but then I would be lying to the King of All Ducks.

Hugo: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.

Hugo, texting Varian: *sends a voice message*
Varian, texting back: I'm a little busy, is it urgent?
Hugo: No, don't worry, just listen later.
Varian: *presses play*
Hugo's voice message: THERE IS A FIRE-

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