Big families are just so...

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*On FaceTime with his parents*

Yong: Hi!

Yong's mom: Hello, darling.

Yong's dad, to his sibling: Kids, bedtime.

Yong: I found a-

Yong's mom: Just a second. What did he just say Kim? Bed!

Yong: Maybe call me back another-

Yong's mom: Don't make this difficult, why did you call?

Yong's dad in the background: Roll that all up! Nu, no crayons on the wall or in your mouth. Kim, come down and put these back. Right, now back to bed, I'm warning you!...

Yong, talking over it: I found a whale on the beach, I couldn't save it...

Yong: Call me back when you can talk. Call me back when you have space to hear me. Call me back when you have time to listen.

Yong's mom: Yong-

Yong: Just call me back then. 

Yong's dad: Yong- I-

Yong: Bye!

Yong's dad: Wait-

Yong: ByE!

Yong's mom: Yong-

Yong: BYE.

If  anyone has names for any family members of Yong, Varian, or Nuru could you tell me? I'm more-or-less completely lost.

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