Happy Pride Month, you attractive people!

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Varian: Can I be straight with you?

Hugo: Absolutely not.

Varian:...I'm going to abandon you by the side of the road unless you stop making gay puns.

Hugo:...Lesbi honest, that's not going to happen.

Varian: I'm done! Goodbye!

Hugo: You're going to leave me here? All bi myself?!

Varian: Oh my fucking-

Hugo: How would I catch up with you? I have no transportation!

Varian: MAKE IT STOP! *slams door*

Hugo: Wow, he really just left. Fine, I guess we'll see how this pans out.


Yong: I heard you left Hugo behind because he wouldn't stop making puns. But you have to admit, he aced them.

Varian: Oh no, not you too Yong. Wait, how did you even know about that?

Nuru: We're omniscient, we see everything.

Varian: *endless screaming*

I had way too much fun writing these puns.  

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