HCs for The Science Squad on social media if they had it

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- He has a YouTube channel the he started when he first made Cassandrium and more than half the videos were him talking about how gorgeous and brave and amazing Cass was while building stuff. It has since evolved into Varian explaining his process and being frequently interrupted by Yong, Hugo, Nuru, and Rapunzel sometimes.

- He was Twitter and follows Cass, Rapunzel, Eugene, Lance, Adira and Hector, and Hugo on his main. He has a different account where he fanboy's over Demanitus and Flynn Rider.

- He has Instagram and Snapchat and has used both of them exactly once. He has several follow requests that will never get responded to.

- Had a Tumblr blog, then deleted said blog in an attempt to restart his life. Has not recovered the blog and gave up.

- Could not get into Pinterest.

- Never downloaded TikTok, but makes frequent appearances on his friends videos.


- He has Instagram but his account his private and all follow requests must first pass the judgement of Nuru, Varian, Hugo, and eventually Lance and Rapunzel when he meets them.

- He has Pinterest but just uses it for pretty pictures.

- He isn't allowed to download anything else because he's 12.

- Bonus: Hugo was the one who bought him the phone (with Nuru's money ofc) because his parents were always like "ai-ya, why do you need a phone? Your older brother has a phone, ask him if you need to call someone."


- Has a YouTube channel entirely devoted to roasting Netflix originals. One time he had Nuru on to roast "he's all that". He also responds to comments for fun. Varian refuses to appear in any of his videos but Hugo has thousands of videos of alchemy stuff blowing up in Varian's face and makes compilations of it.

- He's Twitter famous, and he follows Varian and Donella. He found Varain's other account but didn't tell him.

- Uses Instagram to post pictures and turned off comments as soon as he downloaded it. He makes an absolute fool out of himself on his close friends story.

- He says he doesn't use Pinterest, but he secretly has 40 private boards ranging from cosplay TikToks to pictures of aesthetic bedrooms to recipes.

- Has Snapchat and constantly gives it out to people, but will end up randomly ghosting people, both on accident and on purpose.

- He has a checkmark next to his name on TikTok, and considers himself an influencer, mainly to piss off his friends.


- Aesthetic Tumblr account QUEEN. Her blog is just like, purple and stars E V E R Y W H E R E. She makes stimboards and reblogs basically every post she sees. Very liberal with her use of the block button.

- Verified on everything because she's literally royalty.

- Her Instagram account is run by the person in charge of her family's public image, so she really has no idea what gets posted. She uses Varian's account to check on her posts once he's all but abandoned it.

- Scrolls through Pinterest under the table during family dinners. Much like on Tumblr, she's an aesthetic queen. But she also reports people who post art WITHOUT CREDITING THE FUCKING ARTIST!

- She has a private YT channel where she posts song covers she's made. 

- Never wanted Snapchat because she was paranoid of people finding her location.

- She is an icon on wlw TikTok, and that's all I'll say about that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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