The Squad™ as things from COB

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[COB stands for Conference of the Birds, the fifth book in the MPHFPC series, which I would definitely recommend reading. Also, this chapter is a lot longer than the others because I can't make an individual chapter for each quote without Wattpad going "Error" or "could not save." Anyway, enjoy.]

Yong: So...we have a plan?

Varian: Yes!...Kinda!

Nuru: Step 1-Run very fast

Hugo: Step 2-Think very hard

Varian: And step 3-Get very lucky

Cyrus: Go steal some crabs or something. Maybe that'll put Donella in a better mood.

Hugo: I don't see how people can eat these things. Spiders of the sea.

Hugo: We can either stay here and wait for them to definitely find us, or...

Nuru: Ughh. Or I could trust you.

Hugo: Yes! Me and these two idiots

Varian: So, how are you? Regret joining us yet?

Nuru: For now I'm just going with it. You know what my brain keeps defaulting to the second I have downtime?

Varian: What?

Nuru: That I have a calc test tomorrow and should be studying.

Varian: Pfft, haha! I'm sorry.

Nuru: No, it's funny, you can laugh.

Yong: I saw smoke rising from Smoking Street

Hugo: Smoking Street smokes. That's why it's called Smoking Street.

Yong: Okay, I saw an unusual amount of smoke coming from Smoking Street

Varian: I've lived in Corona all my life. It's been nothing but drama and chaos and putting out fires.

Yong: Don't any of your kingdoms have, you know, adults who could handle things?

Varian: I'm fine, but you guys shouldn't have come! This is a dangerous place!

Hugo: Figured that. That's why we came.

Yong: Uh-huh!

Hugo: And here I was thinking we might actually get eight hours of sleep!

Varian: You don't have to come, no one's making you.

Nuru: He's coming, he just can't pass up a chance to complain.

Yong: Why are you guys so sure I can do this?!

Nuru: Because you're super talented, Yong! And we all believe in you!

Hugo: I never said you could do it, but it felt more interesting than sitting around while Varian meets his cousins.

Donella: Ulla is dangerous, somebody has to warn the boy!

Hugo: Oh hell.

Yong: We can get him! We'll put together a rescue team right now! And how do we get back into the library?

Donella: That's the fucking problem, you can't.

Yong: Oh hell.

Nuru: Come on, Yong. We need to stop Varian and Hugo before they do something monumentally stupid.

Nuru: What's Donella doing?

Varian: Walking towards us, trying to be scary.

Yong: Is it working?

Varian: Yeah. Yeah, it's working.

Hugo: You okay?

Varian: For sixteen years this woman has lived in my head as a memory. A painful, good memory. What if she turns out to be horrible? Or crazy? Or nothing like I remember?

Hugo: Then we'll leave. We'll get what we need from the library, and then leave and forget about her. But if you'd rather not go in there, we have no reason to. Maybe just knowing we could is enough.

Varian: No. I have to see her. She has to tell me what happened...last time she was here.

Hugo: You know what happened.

Varian: I have to hear it from her.

Random person: Do you need help?

Nuru: Yes. What's the quickest and easiest way to the roof?

Random person: The roof is off-limits.

Hugo: Great. So how do we get there?

Random person: Uhh, you can't. It's off-limits. What are you even doing here in the first place?

Nuru: Wow, Hugo, have you grown a heart?

Hugo: It just seems cruel, is all.

Nuru: *that one face of superiority your sister gives you when you need to borrow her charger*

Hugo: Oh shut up.

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