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I judge and make assumptions about you based off of what you ship. Please note that this is a joke and everyone is an individual person, don't take this seriously.


-You're probably LGBTQ+
-You still haven't accepted the fact that this series will probably never happen
-You project onto them wayyyy too much
-You give me Umbrella Academy vibes.
-Also Luca vibes
-You're a real btch sometimes, but you're not a horrible person
-Would it kill you to let them be happy?
-You probably have/had a crush on each of them at some point, but you can't have them so they can have each other
-People saying "you're so mature for your age!" isn't a compliment honey
-How many AUs of these boys do you have? You can be honest with me
-Just because you know things doesn't make you better than anyone
-Do you like musicals? Do you like this AU? Me too, we should be friends
-You make up more than half this fandom and honestly? Good for you
-Superior music taste vibesssss
-You keep trying to get your friends and family into TTS so that they can better understand you, as you should 

Melting Point:

-You shipped Catradora from the moment you saw them, don't lie
-There's a high chance you're sapphic
-IDK man, almost killing your best friend is kinda gay...👀
-What mommy issues do you have?
-You're 100% here for angst and betrayal
-You call every middle aged animated woman a milf (S T O P)
-For some reason you're ok with the ending of this AU instead of, like, trying to...idk...fix it?
-I have never felt more scared of and also welcomed by shippers
-From what I've seen y'all mostly just vibe
-Well, you vibe while shipping friends-to-lovers-to-enemies-to?-lovers?-again?-maybe?
-You would die for either of them, even though they would definitely kill you without hesitation
-You will die on the hill that fighting always has underlying sexual tension
-Ulla's marriage to Quirin? Never heard of it!
-You stan Momella

Varian x Nuru (ship name?)

-You will scream friends-to-lovers supremacy until you die (as you should)
-Did you get bullied in middle school? Cause I feel like you did (same bestie)
-You're 16, stop taking on responsibilities that even 45 year olds can't.
-Generally y'all are chill
-I can't really get a lot on you, since I only know, like, one shipper
-Thanks for being someone who knows astronomy and astrology are different
-You 100% shipped Varian with an OC
-Screaming underwater is a great way to relieve stress, jsyk
-You read Lord of The Flies when you were eleven
-Or some other piece of classical literature when you were eleven
-I get the vibe that you would love supernatural sht
-Your room is either freakishly clean, or has the Black Plague brewing in some corner
-You think Nuru is underrated (and you're completely correct)
-You had a crush on Varian at some point or still do
-I feel like you would give good hugs, even though I have no proof
-Have you tried making a scrapbook? IDK why I just think it could be good for you

Hugo x Nuru (ship name?)

-Listen, I have no proof that these people actually exist except for 2 pieces of fanart I saw.
-You think verbal slap-downs are lowkey hot.
-I have nothing else
-You like rival dynamics, but you like rivals-to-lovers dynamics even more
-I'm just all out now.
-Harry Potter vibes, for some unexplainable reason.
-That's it.
-This is so short, I'm sorry-

Amber x Nuru (ship name?)

-You should be my friend. Please. Truly.
-Highkey sapphic, lowkey in denial
-You respond to the word "lesbian" like someone said your name
-You need to get off fanfiction sites and touch some grass
-Their entire relationship is built off your headcanons
-Have you considered not running away from civilization to live out your cottagecore dreams of baking bread and bike riding with your "close female friend" and the cat you 2 own?
-We all know you daydream about being bridal carried. it's okay.
-Fun idea: Go into a library. Find the romance section. Laugh at the ridiculous images of shirtless white men on the cover. Get kicked out of the library. Keep laughing anyway.
-Please talk to people, sweetie.
-You give me Mysterious Benedict Society vibes
-So, walk me through your Hunger Games phase again.
-There are some underlying issues that you need to address, but who needs mental help when you have gay cartoons?
-You probably headcanon Nuru as ace lesbian
-Amber is kinda just...there. Please someone give this poor girl a personality. She deserves it.

Ulla x Quirin (ship name?)

-You think that healthy married couples are the best
-Ok, so we barely see them interact in canon, but they have a kid, so they definitely interacted
-Himbo x Smart Woman supremacy
-There is a disturbing lack of fanart for a MARRIED COUPLE!
-Please tell me you exist, I feel alone with my one het ship
-So how many times a day do you talk about THE👏👏👏BROTHERHOOD👏👏👏?
-Do you actually simp for Lime Rhino Man, or was that just an elaborate lie I was told?
-You just really like Varian.
-And also Ulla, maybe.
-Quirin is on thin fcking ice, tho

Nuru x Vex (Nux?)

- You are colorfulhighlighter (sorry bestie I can't tag people)

If I missed a ship, I apologize. I think I got everything though 

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