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I haven't edited this chapter so feel free to point out any spelling or grammatical mistakes.

Happy reading.....



" What's all this babe? " He asked me as I handed him his favourite drink.

" Baby you told me that you don't want to go outside or in any restaurant so I have arranged a date for us, here in our bedroom " I told him, he looked surprise.

" So baby, will you go on a date with me? " I asked him looking into his eyes which shined as he smiled at me while nodding.

" Thank you baby " I pecked his lips, I'm so happy.

I pulled him to the bed as I resumed his favourite movie.
So now we are on our bed, I pulled him on my lap, I really love it when he sits on my lap & don't ask the reason 😝.

He is having his favourite drink while watching his favourite movie, his back resting on my chest & mine is on headboard of the bed.

It was already 8 now & we started watching this movie at near about 7.20 so I asked him we should have dinner while watching it & he agreed straight away, my food monster.

" Baby, I'll bring it here, okay " he nodded not even looking at me, he is so obsessed with that actor, I thought he'll be impressed with me but he didn't even spare a glance at me.

I just wanted to snatch that remote from his hands so I can turn that TV off but I know he'll be mad & I don't want to ruin out date so I let it be.

I went to kitchen & brought chicken biryani, his favourite Lassi coz he asked me earlier to bring more, I think he liked it.

When I served our dinner on the table infront of the couch & called him so we can eat but he just ignored it now I can't take this anymore so I carried him from bed to the couch so we can eat.

" What the hell, Tharn. Just put me down.Tony just cought someone playing video games, I want to watch it " he shouted at me while struggling to get out of my hold.

I placed him on couch & sat beside him. Is he even serious? It's our first date & instead of giving me attention, he is interested in that movie. It's too much for me so I voiced out my thoughts.

" Type, are you even hearing yourself? It's our first date. You said, you don't wanna go out so I arranged it here, You said you like simple things, I kept it simple, I even brought your favourite movie, drinks & food but what you did, you just ignored if you don't like it just tell me no need to treat me like this " I'm on the verge of crying, I know now I'm looking so pathetic the CEO of KIRIGUN industries is crying over a date who never dated, who only had one night stands.


Shit.... What I have done? He brought everything that I like, he even made my favourite food by himself

Yeah, I know he cooked just from the smell. I can see tears in his eyes. I have make it right.

So I sat on his lap, placed his hands on my waist & circled my arms around his neck pulling him closer.

" I'm sholly ( sorry ) babe... I'm so sholly.... Prwty peaaase ( pretty please )" I asked him in a baby voice making a pouty face & puppy eyes. I know it'll work.

But he didn't say anything so I pecked his lips, cheeks, nose, eyes followed by his chin & stopped at his Addams apple, I started sucking there.

" T...type, you can't get away like this. D..don't s.. seduce me" he stuttered, I can feel his hands slided inside my shirt caressing my bare skin.

I smirked at that but he is right, I can't do this to him. I have to apologise properly so I stopped & looked into his eyes.

" I'm sorry babe, I was so lost in the movie that I didn't even noticed, please forgive me na na na ..." I asked him cutely pouting my lips.

He pulled me closer by my waist.

" It's the last time baby if anything like this happen again, I won't garantee what I'll do so please don't do this again " he warned me as he tightened his hold on my waist if he didn't remove it now I'm sure it'll leave marks. He looks d*mm serious about this so I just nodded.

" T...Tharn you're hurting me " I said looking at my lap. His grip around my waist loosen but he kept his hands there tressing my bare skin there.

" I'm sorry baby " I apologised kissing my forehead.

" Let's have a dinner babe, it looks delicious" I said while licking my lips.
I don't wanna ruin our first date so I changed the topic making him chuckle.

He was feeding me chicken biryani but I got a naughty idea so I took a piece of chicken & placed it in my mouth & offered him to eat.

" Have it babe " & without a hesitation he placed his lips on mine, taking that piece as he ate it looking in my eyes after having it, he took out his toung & licked my lips. I frowned at him.

" Baby, it was spicy so I want to eat something sweet " this bastard. It wasn't even spicy & look how cheeze line he has started using, I'm fed up of it.

After having dinner, he brought black currant as a dessert but he didn't give me.

" Babe, I wanna eat it. Just give me already "

" You want it right? Baby, then promise me that tonight" he looked at my lips while licking his lips then again in my eyes "you'll ( he paused ) let me have my own way with you. " my eyes widened at what he asked.

" What the hell, Tharn. You Pervert " I yelled at him.

" Okay, I think you don't want it, it's fine. I'll have it " he took spoonful of ice-cream in his mouth.

" Mmmm.... So yummy.... Delicious " he moaned closing his eyes, making me gulp, he looks so hot.

" But babe, it's not fair " I whinnied
" Everything is fare in love and war baby & I'm you're boyfriend so let me do what I want. I promise I won't cross the line " he retorted while having another spoonful.

F*ck ..... this bastard & what line he is talking about? I know when it comes to this, he has no line to cross.

" B...but babe, you know we can't have ...."
" I'm not asking for it baby, just other things " he said with a innocent face but that is scaring me coz he is not innocent at all.

" B...but...."
" Baby, don't you trust me. I'm your boyfriend baby, let me have my way with you. Please baby " those puppy eyes.

" O...okay "
" Thank you so much baby " he pecked my lips & pulled me into a tight hug.

" Babe, I can't b...breath " he loosen his embrace.

" Sorry baby, let's have your ice-cream "  he sat on the bed pulling me on his lap, he smirked at me. I'm having a bad feel about this.

He took a spoonful of ice-cream, I thought he is going to feed me but he .... He took a spoonful in his mouth & took out his toung.

" Have it, baby " see he can't be trusted.

That's it for now.... Sorry for late update 🥺...

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@Avery ...

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