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I haven't edited this chapter so feel free to point out any spelling or grammatical mistakes so I don't have to check it again.

Happy reading.....

Here is your update ....

I hope you like it ☺️....



I left with Wat coz I had to. I postponed this thing for months but now I have to go or my parents will come here & that won't be good.

My parents they knew everything. Each & everything asides from the contract. They knew I was married. My dad was so pissed off coz I'm their only child & how can I get married without telling them anything but he eventually calm down.

Thanks to Wat or they would have been here & My dad may have destroyed Tharn's company.

( A/N : It's just little hint okay )

It's been a month, I haven't seen Tharn. Many things happened in this month. Finally when everything is settled. I can go back to Tharn.

Coz when I said this to Tharn ' for me marriage is a lifetime commitment, I will give my all to it, my love, my time, my attention, my everything. I won't stop my husband from claiming me, I'll always love him adore him. Even if he won't love me still I'll love him. This much committed I'll be after the marriage that's why I don't want to rush things '

I was d*mm serious about that.

( A/N : Did anyone remembered this .... Ref - chapter 14.

There are many things Type had said throughout the story. I'll explain the meaning of each mysterious line from now on )

So when I came back to Thailand. My parents were not ready to leave me alone & wanted to meet my husband whom they already know. How??

They did whole research about him & again my dad was pissed off.

I mean who is to blame, Tharn don't have a good record with relationship. The h*ll. He never had any. Only one night stands.

When I entered the party, I kept searching for him but this bloody bodyguards of mine keep blocking my view.

I just sat next to Mia, Wat's sister when I heard Joss's voice. I'm sure Tharn must be there too. No invited everyone here.

& I saw him. He doesn't look good. That f*cking No I have told him go to Tharn & see if he is eating or not when I'm not there. He told me. He always send Kla with food then why Tharn looks like that.

I think I have some beating to do.

When I went near them Tharn immediately pulled me towards him, informed everyone we are going & carried me without waiting for their reply.

After finishing my shower, I heard some voices.

God not again Dad. He must have seen Tharn at the party & this Bastard carried me here without even saying anything.

I wanted to talk with him in private so I let him carry me coz I'm to tired to argue.

That two bodyguards must have informed Dad.

" Who are you? What do you want? " Tharn yelled at them. This guy.

I went their before they do anything to him but they already did.

" How dare you? Leave him " I yelled at them & looked at Tharn lying of the floor.

" Hey.... Tharn.... Tharn " I tried to wake him up but he just smiled at me with half closed eyes.

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