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I haven't edited this chapter so feel free to point out any spelling or grammatical mistakes so I don't have to check it again.

Happy reading.....

I don't even remember when did I last updated 🙈.... I'm so sorry ....

Here is your update .... But it's s short one.

I successfully completed 50 chapters of this story today

I hope you like it ☺️....



I woke up in a warm embrace. I tilted my look back. Tharn was sleeping soundly.

I tried to slid out of his embrace without waking him up but this guy. He immediately pulled me closer. Did have some type of sensors or what?

" Sleep more baby "

" Noo ... Wake up. I'm hungry " I whinnied.

He immediately woke up. See this bastard is worried about his baby. When I used to tell him that I'm hungry. He won't let me leave bed before having two or more rounds but just because now I am pregnant he is being this sweet.

We got up and went downstairs to have our breakfast.

" Tharn ... Type ... I have arranged s press conference at 12 pm. Just get ready. I'll announced your marriage and Tharn as my next successor " Dad announced out of nowhere making Tharn choke on his food.

" Are you okay babe? " I patted his back.

" I'M NOT " he coughed violently " I don't want to be your successor " Tharn complained.

" As I said before .... I didn't asked you " My Dad deadpanned.

" Dad why him? I'm your heir " I complained too.

" Type .... You're pregnant ... You won't be able to give your all time to business and besides that it's all yours. You're always welcome to join again " Dad explained.

" But Dad it's just for a year or two ... I can join afterwards. You can still postpone it " I argued.

" Do you really think you'll be able too? " Dad raised his brows at me and looked at Tharn.

Tharn coughed and avoided my gaze. What's the matter.

" Why are you looking at him Dad? " I'm confused.

" Do you really think Tharn will let you? " Dad again looked at him and he coughed violently.

" Why won't he? "

" Aww ... My precious son in law ... Didn't you tell him you wanted a cricket team? " Dad shot Tharn a smug look.

" What's with cricket team now? " God this two are making me crazy.

" Ahhh .... baby ... I ... I ... " Tharn stuttered.

" I told him to take over my business but he refused so I told him. It's fine I'll make Type take over it but then he agreed all of sudden and when I asked him why now? He told me he can't let you exhaust everytime you're pregnant. I was confused so I asked him you'll be able to take care of it after ... may be two or three years but then he said .....
' noo noo noo .... Dad ... I want more babies .... Atleast 10 to 12 .... I want my own cricket team ....what?? .... And when I said you can't do that to my son .... He shot me a smug look and said ' as if you can stop me and besides that My wife also agreed ' .... And he promised me take over t our business but now he just refused "

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