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I haven't edited this chapter so feel free to point out any spelling or grammatical mistakes.

Happy reading.....



I woke up on the empty bed when I looked around, my baby was nowhere to be found, I checked bathroom but he is not there. but bathroom smelled like him, he must have taken a bath.

I went out of the bedroom, I followed the delicious smell coming from kitchen, Aww my baby is cooking.

I went there, he is talking to someone, his phone is on loudspeaker so I can here the other person he is talking to.

" Tell me, who's it? " I heard a male voice. I can't help but feel jealous.

" T .. Tharn K.. Kirigun " is he telling that someone about us? Oh my gosh. Is he admitting our relationship to that person. I'm so happy, finally he believed me.

" What the hell, baby. He is a playboy, you know it, why baby? Just stop seeing him " that person raised his voice on my baby & why is he calling my baby
' baby'.

I was about to go there & take his phone, how dare he shout at my baby, that motherf*cker but what I heard next broke my heart into pieces.

" I know he is a playboy, he might be playing with me but I'm s...sure he'll get bored soon & l...let me go & if he d... didn't I'll break up with him " I can't believe what I heard, he still didn't believe me, he is playing with my feelings, I didn't even know but tears stated to flow from my eyes.

" Y.... Yeah "
He turned around,his eyes widened when he saw me.

" W... wat, I... I'll call you later " so that person name is Wat. That f*cker, he is the one who was at airport, the my baby was hugging like his life depends on him.

" B...babe listen me f...first ..I "

" J...just don't " I went to my room. I Heard him calling me several times, I even heard him cry but I didn't leave my room coz before I can hear what he wants to say, I have to clear my head or I'll just burst out on him & I don't want that, I have to figure out what to do next so I composed myself.

It was 8 in the evening when I went out of my bedroom, he was sitting on the floor beside my door.

I turned around to leave but he grabbed my hand turning me towards him.

" It's not what you think babe " I just can't believe it, he is still denying it.

" Then what is baby. Just tell me " tears continuously streaming from my eyes, I can't help but cry, he really hurts now I know what it feels when your heart broke. I feel like dying.

" I...I can e... explain " I stuttered.
" Then f*cking explain already god d*mmit " I harshly jerked his hand away as shouted at him.

He looked shocked & scared, he should be coz till now I never ever increased my voice at him, he was the who always boss me around, it's not that I mind but now it's different, he f*cking broke my heart.

" Babe.... "
" You don't believe me right. You don't believe how a playboy like me really changed, you don't believe that I really wanna be with you, that .... That I love you " My voice cracked at the last sentence.

' I really do love him but he didn't even believe me, did I forced myself on him'

" I... I'm s...sorry babe " he apologized with quivering lips, tears falling from his doe eyes as he blinked.

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