First Impressions

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Ugh! 7am already?

You silenced your dreadful alarm clock with a sharp prod and glanced down at the cardboard boxes at the foot of your bed.

Oh yeah...

Today is your first day at Canterlot College. Very, very exciting.


You log rolled out of bed, knocking your beside table as you went. Your water went flying, pouring over your phone charger. It burst into flames.

Great! Just what I need at 7:04am!

You chucked a towel over it, smothering the fire. Everything is okay.

You pulled on a cute outfit. A sequin blouse and embroidered jeans, patterned with teeny bees and pretty flowers. Pearls adorned your neck and your dainty earlobes were weighed down with chunky earrings. You looked completely fabulous.

Your hair was styled wonderfully, curled to perfection, reflecting a healthy shimmer in the morning sun.

You ate a full English breakfast and were ready to go by 7:36am. You pulled on your eight inch platform heels, packed your bag for the day and headed out the door.

You had about an hour before classes started, so you decided to check out your dorm room.

Walking through the school campus you saw many people. A few you recognised, others were beautiful strangers. Canterlot itself was stunning. It was a large, medieval style building with many turrets and lots of ivy. It was like a castle.

You entered the reception, giving the person at the desk one of your award-winning smiles. They smiled back.

"Hi, I've come to collect my dorm key?"
"Of course, love, name?"
"Y/n," you answered truthfully.

The receptionist slid a bunch of keys over to you with a nod. "Room number six, down the hall, to the right. First door."

"Thanks!" you said cheerfully.

You strode out with confidence, down the hall, to the right and found yourself face to face with...


A green door! With a six on it.

You slid your key into the lock, giving it a wiggle. You found the lock turned with ease, the latch clicking as the door swung open slowly.

You took a step inside, the landing spacious and white. However, it smelt faintly of eggs.

Just as you were about to go exploring, you bumped into another person.

"Woah!" you cried.
They responded with a weird noise.

Looking up, you find yourself face to face with possibly the most beautiful person you'd ever meet. Apart from Ami... and your partner, George, I guess...

Dark, doleful eyes rimmed with the cutest glasses in the world. Dark, frizzy hair, peeking out from under a deep blue beanie. A chiseled jawline that was so sharp it could cut glass. They were mega tall and hench and... gorgeous...



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