Cheap Britney Perfume

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Unlocking the door to your dorm, you're met with quite the sight.

Chaya seems to already have left, but in her place Mooch sits alone on the green sofa. He looks at you expectantly.

"What?" you sniff, wiping your eyes with your sleeve.

He says nothing, ominous and masculine, beckoning you with a large hand. You hear a gentle whir as he kicks his heels against the old floorboards. He has pink Heelys on.

You sink into the sofa beside him and he pulls you into a side hug. It's a kind gesture.

The smell of cheap Britney perfume floods your nostrils like a dam breaking. You crane your neck to look at him, and his dark, doleful eyes meet yours.

"Hello?" he says.
"I- uh- who?"

You sigh deeply. "Nevermind. You just remind me of her so much."

If only she were here right now...

"She sounds- uh- super c-cool..."

"She is. I haven't seen her in so long. I miss her beautiful face, her mannerisms... she is such a jock, Mooch! I bet you'll love her."

He nodded gently, patting your head.

"I'm- uh- um- sorry about George... it's my fault..." he said quickly.

"It's not your fau-"
"It is!" he interrupted, "Please, y/n, allow me to take you to dinner?"

Woah! Why are we going so fast?

"I just never got to treat you when I had the chance..." he said under his breath.

"WHAT?" you shout. "I can't hear you! Speak up please."

"I-I mean- um- I'd like to have the chance to get to know you better!" he corrected. "Yanno, r-roomies?"

Why is he so awkward? I never got this with Ami... guess they're not as similar as I thought. Ami was always so confident, alluring, chad-y...

Why did I go for George?

"Yeah," you said absentmindedly, "I'm going to bed. Night, Mooch."


You took a little wander around until you found your room. It was small and poky and had a green door, but you were too tired to care. Your boxes still weren't unpacked due to your eventful day, so you yoinked a blanket and pillow from a bag and curled up on the mattress. You found yourself drifting off in no time...


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