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tyler's point of view

"daddy! daddy!" rosie yelled running up to me. "mr ross got sick. icky sick, b-but now we have a new teacher! his name is mr dun but he told us to call him mr josh." rosie told me.

"can you point out which one mr josh is?" i ask my four year old. i get on one knee and have her on the one that's in the air. she picks her little hand up and points toward a man, talking to another little kid and his mom.

"mr josh is talking to matthew and his momma. matthew bit lucas." i gasp when i find mr josh. he's in a band t-shirt. a sleeve of tattoos and he's wearing khaki shorts. he's really hot. i feel myself getting flushed. "let's go ro, honey. momma's waiting for us."

ro took one more look at mr josh and then jumped into my arms.


"It took you long enough," jenna scoffed. "whatever jenna, i have ro." i said. ro jumped to her mom. "momma momma!" ro said. "what's up ro?" jenna asked. "we got a new teacher. his name is mr josh." she said.

"oh, what's wrong with mr ross?" jenna asked stirring food in a pot. "he got icky." jenna nodded at her daughters words. "i better get going," i said and started to head toward the door. "daddy! don't go- where are you going?" ro asked and ran toward me. "i've gotta go to my house ro."

ro started to pout, "why can't you stay?" she asked. tears welling in her eyes. "because ro, this isn't my house anymore. it's your mommas' and i can't stay." i said and ro gave me a big hug. "o-okay daddy."

"at least stay for dinner tyler?" jenna asked coming over toward the door looking me in the eyes. "no." i answered opening the door and leaving the house.


i ended up grabbing taco bell for dinner. getting a bacon club chalupa, and a baja blast. i didn't feel very hungry at the time. "the nerve," i muttered under my voice, "of her. to make me the bad guy like that." I rolled my eyes to myself. "she knows exactly why i can't stay. why i won't."

i pulled up to my parents house, where i was staying at the moment. i walked inside, my dad was asleep with the tv on. my mom was probably in her room. jay and zack were almost the age of when they wanted to move out. madison not long after will too.

"hey ty," madison said. she came from her room, im sure. "hey maddie," i replied. "is ro not staying here tonight?" she asked and i shook my head. "no, not tonight, day after tomorrow she'll be here though." i told madison and she just slowly shook her head.

"you should get full custody, you know that right?" i sighed. "we've been through this. rosie need a mom. i couldn't take jenna away from ro like that. she deserves a mom. she shouldn't have to pay for jenna's mistake."

madison got mad at that. "she cheated on you with brendon tyler. your best friend." i rolled my eyes, "ex best friend." i corrected. "they're still going out, is that not hurting you?" madison asked. "i-i don't like talking about it."

madison gave me a big hug, "it hurts more when you don't ty," she whispered in my ear. she then let go of me and went into the kitchen. zack came from the hall to where the bedrooms were. "dad, dad," he said waking our dad up.

"wha-huh?" our dad responded, opening his eyes slowly. "mom needs you dad," zack said. dad got up from his chair and went to his room. i sat on the couch and grabbed the remote. "you're home tyler, it's like what?"

"ten at night," madison replied from the kitchen. "thanks maddie," zack yelled to her. "no problem," she replied. "where have you been?" he asked me. "taking care of my daughter, dealing with my ex wife, same old same old."

zack rolls his eyes, "don't even start zack! he's not gonna do it!" madison yells. i stand up angrily. "look, i love you both, i really do. but i don't need you telling me how to raise my daughter. i don't know shit about being a girl, and the connection jenna has with her daughter because she's hers is something nobody can replace. so i'd appreciate it greatly if you'd just support me on my decision instead of saying it's a bad one every time im around. im already down in the dirts enough. i don't need to go deeper!" i say and run out of the house. keys clutched in my hands.

i start the car and drive away, my stomach growls something fierce. "taco bell again we shall go," i mutter to myself. still hungry, apparently. i reach taco bell and decide that it's better to go inside than to eat in my car. so when i get inside, i order the same thing I ordered before. not really in the mood for anything else.

i see a familiar face, it's mr josh from rosie's daycare. "mr joseph, what a coincidence. you're rosie's dad right?" he asks and i nod self consciously. "mind if i join?" he asks and i shake my head. he sits in front of me, with a strawberry blast, a mexican pizza and a cheese roll up.

"i love taco bell, food like this could only come from above." he says as a man brings my food. "what did you get?" he asks. "uh- a baja blast and a bacon club chalupa." i answer. "those are the bomb, mr joseph."

"oh, uh, please call me tyler." i smile. "alright tyler, i'm josh. your daughter is a wonderful student. she knows all the letters by heart and can write her name perfectly. Plus she knows numbers too, she can go up to hundred." he says to me.

"glad to know my daughters smart. i wonder where she gets it from," i chuckled. "you seem fairly smart," josh compliments me. i start to turn red, "t-thanks josh." he nods and then starts to wipe his face with a napkin.

all he has left is his cheese roll up. his drink is almost gone and he just finished his mexican pizza. our little dinner 'date' is almost over. im done with my chalupa and am now slurping on my baja blast.

"it was really nice officially meeting you tyler. you've done a great job raising your daughter." he says as we throw our trash away. "she gets most of her smarts from her mom, i suppose. because i don't think she gets it from me." i say, josh frowns a bit, but soon he's smiling again.

"well, no matter who she gets it from, you're both raising her great! she gets along with everyone, she's really good at singing, drawing, almost anything." josh says as i get in my car. "good bye josh." i say as i start my car. "good bye tyler." he says as i shut the door and then drive away.

a/n: i literally hate jenna, and i'm the one who wrote it. but you guys are gonna hate her a lot more later, hah. get ready for that,


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