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tyler's point of view

josh left.

but what was the point in stopping him? for him to slap me like jenna did? i don't understand what i did to piss him off. maybe it was me saying no to the lady? what was i supposed to do lie?

rosie ran back to the table. she stated at the empty seat. "w-where's mr josh?" she asked. "he had to go home ro. now finish your food." i said and pulled my phone out. josh had given me his instagram when we first arrived.

tylerrjoseph: what did i do to piss you off?

joshun is typing...

joshun: nothing.
r: 2:24pm

i slid my phone back in my pocket. obviously josh wasn't going to tell me. rosie had finished all her food, her face was a mess and she smiled. "daddy! daddy i finished." she said and then her face drooped. "what's wrong ro?"

"i miss mr josh." she said as tears started to spill. "we'll see josh later." i said and then she started to smile again. "yay," she said. i grabbed the trash while rosie began to put her shoes on and she skipped to the car.


rosie was passed out by the time we arrived home. i was exhausted too but i couldn't fall asleep.

its_halsey_now_stfu is active

chat with halsey:

its_halsey_now_stfu: tyler. you haven't been active for seven hours. what's wrong?

blurryface: josh got mad at me for some reason.

its_halsey_now_stfu: you like him, right?

its_halsey_now_stfu changed the name for blurryface to tyler

tyler: yes

its_halsey_now_stfu changed the name for its_halsey_now_stfu to halsey

halsey: then why's he mad at that cute face? also you've still never shown me what he looks like.

tyler: its been a month or so mama, slow your roll.

halsey: ooh mama, me likes.

tyler: shut up.

halsey: okay well if you don't want my advice...

tyler: no- kidding. seriously i don't know why he's mad at me.

halsey: when did you know for sure he was mad?

tyler: this lady asked if we were dating, and i said no. and then he got all mad and left.

halsey: hmmm..

tyler: what's brewing in that big beautiful brain of yours?

halsey: shut up you're too gay for that.

tyler: guilty.

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