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tyler's point of view

josh wouldn't stop staring at me. "how did you find me?" he asked again. "it's quite ironic, like the world wanted me to find you. lots of luck." i said. "so, right after you left, rosie started screaming for you. she wanted both of us to cuddle with her. i went outside with her in my arms, trying to soothe her and get you. because honestly i...i wanted to cuddle with you too.

and you were on the ground, with a girl-," he cut me off. "her name is debby." he interjected. "this girl, debby was dragging you by your feet when brendon showed up. he started whisper yelling at debby. calling her batshit crazy and how he loved it or whatever. then brendon helped drag you into the car. she left and brendon was left behind for some reason.

my family who i called came soon after. brendon was still there. i hid until he got in his car. i got in my car when he left and gunned it. following him here all the way. messing with my trail a bit to not make myself obvious. he didn't get it at all, didn't know it was me or i was there.

you were all that was on my mind joshy. all i could think of was how we ended everything on. i'm in love with you joshy. fucking in love. and to think you could've died. on that note... i couldn't handle it. i memorized the address, wrote it down. did anything i could. racing to the police station. told them and they followed. they made me stay back, saying urie was medically insane. they didn't know 'debby' by the description i gave of her.

it was all insane." i said and then it was quiet again. he'd already told him his story. i was driving slightly faster when josh fell asleep. i wasn't surprised he fell asleep. he must've been exhausted. he looked so beautiful, his face slightly tilted, having the window for support.


"josh!" someone yelled. i recognized the voice. it was rosie's. i opened my eyes. josh was playing with rosie. his smile was almost perfect. but he looked tired. very tired.

"tyler. good. you're awake. so. glad." he said and then ran. i was so confused, rosie didn't care for once. she just watched the tv. then my life went black.

i opened my eyes. not knowing where i was. jenna holding my hand. "rosie's not feeling very well tyler. can you at least pretend you care." she scoffed. the ring still planted on her hand. and mine.

married??? we're still married? what the fuck was going on? did josh not exist? "how old is rosie?" i asked jenna. "she just turned a year a little while ago. why? tyler, you're starting to worry me."

and then i screamed.


my palms were sweating, but they were also intertwined with someone else's. i opened my eyes, i saw josh and i took a big sigh. it was only a nightmare. josh grunted, his grip tightened on my hand. "ty, what's wrong?" he asked.

"nothing. just a bad dream," i replied in the darkness. he wrapped himself around me and i instantly felt better. his warm body next to mine, keeping me safe from everything. it was calming. "why are you in here?" i asked to the darkness.

"i was going to get something for you and you passed out again. so i took care of rosie while you slept. this last hour or so you woke up with a nightmare and requested i sleep with you for confort. you wanted to cuddle but in case you forgot i said i'll just hold you hand. at this point i don't care. you're obviously disoriented. so we are cuddling so you know everything's okay."

silence from us both. then i said the words i'd been dying to say out loud again.

"i love you joshie," i said. "i love you too ty," josh replied.


i was asleep in my room when josh came bursting in. rosie was asleep on my arm. "TYLER OH MY GOD TYLER NOW LET'S GO!!" he screamed. i picked my daughter up and followed josh. rosie looked just like me, thank god. she yawned her tiny mouth open and rubbed her eyes with her fist.

"the phone," josh mouthed taking rosie. "h-hello?" i answered. "is this tyler joseph?" the lady on the other line asked. "y-yes? this is he-him." i suddenly felt nervous and clammy for no reason. "are you the father of rosie joseph?"i gulped. i felt worse. anxiety sinking in. i wanted to hang up. my hands felt shaky and i wanted to vomit. "y-yes."i answered. then i felt a big, calming hand on my shoulder.

i looked up and it was josh. and suddenly just as fast as it had appeared, my anxiety was gone. "well," she started back again after rustling through some papers. "we have some wonderful news for you mr. joseph."

silence. it felt like forever until the lady said the next words. "jenna is obviously unfit to provide the motherly needs, and the fact that she kidnapped and committed assault sitting in jail... you have full custody of rosie robert joseph."

i almost screamed. i almost vomited. i could have. i would have. i could have done a lot of things in that moment. but all i did was cry. "oh my gosh," and mutter those words over and over. it was three a.m. "t-thank you so much- i can't believe it." i said. "believe it mr joseph. at six a.m. today you are completely in control of your daughter and nobody can ever take her away again."

the again seemed slightly detailed. but i ignored it. "it's three a.m.," i sniffled a reply. "in oregon it's six a.m., we are three hours ahead. have a good rest of your night sir." she said and then hung up.

i stood in my spot. in the kitchen. clinging onto the phone. "ty... are you okay?" josh called out to me. his voice felt a million miles away. i was suddenly filled with confidence as big as the whole world. like i could conquer anything that looked at me. "ty..?" josh said again. "IM FAR BETTER THAN OKAY!" i screamed. rosie was asleep, but at that moment i didn't care. "rosie rosie rosie rosie rosie wake up!" i screamed.

she rubbed her tired little eyes at me. "hiii daddy," she said tired. "i have something to show you and joshie!" i said, running around the house. "tyler i look like shit," josh replied at me. "plus it's three in the morning." he added. "we're up already aren't we?" was my response.

a/n: again, rosie saves the day. and the officialness of never having to worry about jenna again. tyler is so relieved.

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