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josh's point of view

I strapped rosie into the backseat. she was passed out again already. "MARRY ME JOSH-," ty blurted out. i just smiled and chuckled at him. "i think we have to date first ty. i mean i love you, and rosie of course already. but when you marry me.. well you're stuck with me forever and i want to make sure that's something you and rosie want."

he didn't say anything until i climbed in the front seat. "then be my boyfriend joshy. nothing would make me happier!" he smiled. "not in this situation ty. somewhere romantic. i promise i'd say yes. but you deserve better than the front seat of a car." i responded and he nodded. "how about a burning treehouse?" he asked. "i'm sorry what?"

tyler didn't say anything, he was just smiling and started to drive. "when i was younger. i was kind of a social outcast. j-jenna was the only thing that kept me a float. she used to be my best friend and then our feeling grew romantically. i stopped using the treehouse. my parents almost tore it down. but it still meant everything to me.

jenna guided me through everything. love, lust... sex. everything. i thought she was my forever. she made me feel... okay. it was never a love like how my parents expressed. but i just assumed all love was different. and then... when we were nineteen she got pregnant. we were both scared shitless. she-she didn't want rosie. she still wanted to act like a teenager. but i couldn't love anything more.

rosie was my baby. i had created her.. and that feeling. it's something i'll never forget. i am reminded of that feeling every time i look at her. she's so beautiful. jenna wanted to... but i said no. she would have had everything right to. if i didn't want rosie. but i wanted rosie. i loved the little unborn baby with all my heart. but the thing is. jenna tried to do it behind my back. it failed of course and then rosie was born early because of it. the doctors said it was a rare one in a million case.

i cried when rosie was born. i cried so much for days. then jenna left. the first year and a half of her life i look care of her as a single father. which lead time for almost nothing else. then jenna came back, around when rosie turned two. she said, 'rosie would never know i was gone tyler. we could be one big happy family because i love you.' and i-i didn't know how to feel. i still don't exactly know how i should've reacted to this day. but i let her back in. she was all happy around rosie. eventually we started a relationship again, and got married when rosie turned three.

our relationship was still floppy and i didn't fully trust her. about a year later is when she cheated on me with brendon. he was my other best friend in high school but we lost touch. it stung. he was also at our wedding so he knew jenna was my wife. i divorced her immediately after i found out. the court ruled 'rosie need a mother' not listening to the fact that jenna wasn't present the first year and a half of rosie's life.

me and jenna had shared joint custody since then. i worked and worked and got almost nothing done. two years of this and they let me off a year paid. rosie went to a daycare by day and went to either me or jenna by night. one night when she was at jenna's i visted the treehouse again. it had been years. it wasn't in good shape.

i fixed it up for rosie someday and to give me something to do because i missed rosie. i built it and never wanted to see it again. ironic because of the first reason. i'd just decided not to come back. ironic considering what we're doing. i'll see it again." he paused for a second as we kept driving. "the treehouse is far away from my current apartment. so we're going to be driving a while." he said. i nodded. "now.. all that's left is, you." tyler said. "me?" i responded confused. "yes, you. rosie loved you from the start.

she pointed you out to me. and i-i immediately wanted you. to know you. you were so hot in your death cab for cute band t-shirt. the tattoos. i couldn't look away. then i remembered it was jenna's night and i forced myself to."


"josh," tyler said, his voice started to crack. "i fucking love you. and although our relationship has been an up and down kind of thing. i want to be with you forever. love sometimes hurts and that's okay. because then you realize how much you want them and how much you can't deal without them. this whole time i was acting like a bitch and not fully telling you i was in love with you until you got kidnapped. it was just me trying to protect myself and rosie.

i don't want someone to hurt us like jenna did. i never want me or rosie to ever have to go through that again.. b-but when you got kidnapped." tyler stopped. "i knew i was in love with you. i couldn't stop thinking about how if you died. i would never see you again. and i realized. you're nothing like jenna. you love me. you love rosie. and joshy," he stopped again to look at me for half a second before looking back at the road.

a tear fell away from his eye and i could tell he was speaking from his heart. "i fucking love you. and i want to burn that treehouse down. all it reminds me of is jenna. it should burn along with the terrible parts of my pass. burn burn burn. along with the memory of jenna."

i nodded. "burn it shall, but not because of your terrible past." i responded. "w-what?" he asked. i grabbed his hand. "your past is not terrible. it may not have been the best, but it wasn't terrible. without it you might not have been the man you are today. and that man, this one man who's hand i'm holding. i'm in love with him. and with your past, you got rosie. we will burn the treehouse down because of jenna. to erase her from our lives. but not because of your terrible past."

tyler nodded. his grasp tightened on my hand. "i love jenna." i said and he tried to pull away. "because without her. i wouldn't have met you, we wouldn't have grown together. and you wouldn't be here with me. with rosie. she gave me you two. for that i love and thank her," his hand tightened on me again. then my voice deepened. "but for every other shit thing she did to you two. i hate her."

a/n: i love jenna, because of like josh said. but i also have a deep burning passion for jenna and i wish she'd die.

but we don't care about jenna anymore! it's just josh tyler and ro that we care about now.

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