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tyler's point of view

"she didn't do... what?" i said, the anger slowly rising in me. she forget about her daughter. "i'll be right there," i say and hang up. immediately dialing jenna afterward. "hey ty," she says to me and then pulls the phone away. "bre-oh- brendon-stop- stop...oh," i pull my phone away from my face.

rolling my eyes, i grab my keys. "t-tyler what do- you- want? im kind of in the middle of some-thing." jenna said annoyed. "where is my daughter?" i ask as i hook the phone to my car. "brendon right there-oh yes." she says. "im gonna cum," i can hear. "JENNA!" i yell so anger i can barely handle it.


jenna mutters something to brendon and then no noise is heard from him. "why should you care tyler?" she asks me. "it's not even your night anyways." she says and i can hear the eye roll. "because- because jenna. i got a call from rosie's daycare that she's still there. it's almost nine at night jenna. you're too worried about helping your cheating ass boyfriend with his wet dick than picking up your helpless defenseless five year old daughter." i say and then hang up as i arrive at the daycare.

i ran inside the daycare. "j-josh," i say at the sight of the red haired man. he turns around and i see rosie laying softly in his arms. "d-daddy?" she mutters, holding her arms out for me. "ROSIE," i scream and run toward her. "oh my god, rosie oh my god, daddy's so happy you're okay." i say holding my daughter so tight.

"tyler?" josh calls, "yes?" i answer. rosie's already fallen asleep in my arms again. "she's okay," he says and pats my back. "i know, but her mom had her tonight and i was asleep when you called. i thought she was with her mom and- she-," i stop and start sobbing. josh pulls me into a hug.

im fully aware this is the very wrong time to start liking someone.

but at that moment, in josh's big arms.

i developed a small crush.


as soon at i got home jenna yelled my ear off trying to make sure her daughter was okay. i laughed in her face. then hung up, she's been blowing my phone up since.

rosie started crying when we got home. saying she missed me all day, it was currently midnight, rosie wouldn't sleep because she was wide away. i couldn't sleep knowing rosie was awake.

"daddy," rosie said sitting on my lap, turning her attention away from spongebob. "yes ro ro?" i replied looking at her. "mr josh said he missed you at daycare when you took forever to come." rosie said. "why did he miss me?" i asked rosie.

"he said you were nice. and i said you should be his friend like mommas' friend is beebo. he said no though, he thought you were married." rosie said. i blushed, embarrassed and flushed. "rosie, brendon isn't your moms' friend like clementine is to you. they're different types of friends. that's why mr josh said no."

"but why can't you and mr josh be friends daddy? it would be awe-so-me, you and mr josh are the best!" rosie said. "thanks rosie, but im sure mr josh doesn't want to be my friend like your mom wants to be brendons friend."

rosie nodded and cuddled up against my side, watching tv until she fell asleep. after i knew she was asleep i fell asleep soon after.


"daddy! daddy! daddy wake up!" rosie said, she was sitting on my chest hitting it lightly. "daddy! someone's at the door!" i opened my eyes sleepily. and sure enough someone was banging the door. i picked ro off my chest, put her on the couch and went to open it.

a knock in the face is what i got.


i woke up, "rosie?" i called, i couldn't open my eyes. "rosie?!" i panicked as i didn't get a response. "tyler?" the voice was familiar, but my brain couldn't put a face to the sound. "tyler open your eyes," i saw red hair first, "j-josh?" i mutter. "im here tyler." he says and picks me up.

"how did you know where to find me?" i ask josh. "my friend lives by here, i heard you yell rosie's name and im trying to make sure you're okay. you and rosie didn't come to the daycare today." josh says, a worried look on his face.

"oh my god, tyler. you have a black eye- who did this to you." ah, that made sense why my vision looked divided. "j-jennas' stupid- b-," my voice broke. "boyfriend punched me- and gave me a bl-black eye while they st-stole rosie."

my eyes started to water as i realized i didn't know where my daughter was. "i-i don't kno-w where my- my d-daughter is j-josh-y,"my voice hitched and i started sobbing. josh pulled me in close and started to rub my back.

"we both love rosie, tyjo. we will find rosie." he comforted me. i wanted to listen to his lie, be sure that we would find rosie. but i knew he was lying. i could feel deep in my bones that i would never see my daughter again.

never hear her call my name again. hear her laugh when i've said a joke. hear when her voice goes slightly higher when she talks about something she loves.

i knew jenna hated me, obviously if she cheated on me. but i never thought she'd go as far as kidnapping an innocent little girl after she showed no care for the girl the previous night.

"t-thank you j-joshy," my voice hitched again as thanked the man who would help me find my poor daughter.

a/n: alright, i know it's kinda soon, seeing as how we're like three chapters in, but who's your favorite?





or brendon?

share your thoughts, always love to hear them

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