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joshua's point of view

i woke up, a panic swept through me. i grabbed my phone, "dead- shit." i'd have to charge it on the way to work. i hurried and got dressed. i ran around my house, i looked like shit, i knew it. but i was in so much panic. tyler told me he loved me last night, and then i passed out. i don't remember responding.

i drove fast and sat in the parking lot of the daycare. i heard a ring and my phone was back on.

blurryface: fuck you josh. you act like you're so hurt that i don't feel the same fucking way. then i tell you im in love with you and you leave me on read. thanks.

blurryface blocked you

"holy shit," i whispered. i knew someone who could fix this.

a_tree was active four minutes ago

josh: dallon! be acidífero right now

dallon: what?

josh: be active right now

a_tree is now active

dallon: what do you want?

josh: i need your help.

dallon: with?

josh: okay, so there's this guy i met who'd name is tyler. he has an adorable daughter named rosie. im in love with both of them, rosie as like a fatherly figure as tyler romantically.

josh: tyler told me he was in love with me last night and shit- my phone died and i fell asleep. he thinks i hate him or don't feel the way im sure and he blocked me. this was the only way i could contact him unless i talk to him when he comes and picks rosie (his daughter) up. but im not sure if that's rude.

dallon: holy shit.. that's a lot

dallon: ashley probably has his number josh. she's friends with everyone, and ask how clem is for me.

josh: will do.

chat: ashley


ash: omfg what. im working. my boss is going to have my ass lmao.

josh: i need this guys number.

ash: ugh, why always with me?

josh: cause you're a genius

ash: you're right. lemme here it again and i'll help you out joshua.

josh: you. are. a. genius.

ash: you're right

ash: alrighty, hit me with this guys name.

josh: tyler.





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josh:... he told you.

ash: i am kinda his best friend josh.

josh: you two know each other.

ash: you need to figure this shit out josh. he panics so much for you. you break my baby's heart im literally going to break your face. he's already been through so much with jenna and everything.

josh: so ive heard.

ash: go fucking fix my baby's heart josh.

josh: phone number ashley.

ash: [*phone number* ]
r: 7:00am

i was literally panicking. i typed quickly into my phone the number and texted.


who is this?

tyler it's josh, im so sorry. i fell asleep. i swear. then my phone died and i couldn't text you til now.

look josh. why the fuck do you think i want to talk to you. i don't need people coming in and out of rosie's life. jenna already treated her like shit, even more so than i knew. i don't need people doing the same to either of us.


just shut the fuck up. 

tyler!! don't you dare fucking block me.

what the hell?

where do you think you can get away talking to me like that. i'll block you if i so damn please joshua dun.

please tyler... i love you. don't go, don't block me. please.



i knew it was a long shot.

i love you too josh. he texted.
im just not sure if.. i..

he didn't say anything after that. i got into work, i looked a mess and i was scaring the kids. "josh, go home," dallon told me. i nodded and left. rosie wasn't at the daycare.

i collapsed in my bed, crying until i fell asleep. everything inside me broke. everything, i couldn't live with myself.

a/n: fun fact, the whole part with josh messing up on dallon be active, that was actually caused by my phone. it wasn't planned. my phone just decided to be rude and add that. but i thought it was funny so i decided it could stay.

also, josh done fucked up.

also also, do you think it's too soon for 'i love you's? lemme know

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