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Nyx's point of view:
It was impossible. I didn't even know who this person was. Despite the lack of knowledge, something happened when we locked gazes. All I could think about was that moment. Each time I rethought the memory of them appearing, from above and fighting to free my family, it made my heart pound and my chest tighten.

I gripped my hands to stop the sweating at my thoughts. I remember the moment I realized it. When I saw those pair of eyes. The blue stood out against the cloaking black. Such a bright color, and yet so soothing in the midst of everything. That's when I knew I'd found my mate. Who ever it was the connection was real. I felt it even now. Like a connection that pulled me somewhere in the distance. I wanted to do something about it, but their were more pressing urges than a unknown bond.

Even the thought of the bond seemed odd. Typically the bond is not only rare to find, but typically comes after love is crafted, not out of the blue. My parents where different, they always had a connection even before they met, and my aunt Nesta didn't even recognize hers until much later. I didn't know how I felt and recognized it instantly. Maybe it was because I knew the feeling from my abilities as a Daemati as I felt the feeling of it in others minds, or maybe it was the sudden proximity. Whatever it was, I felt it now. It was like a tugging rope pulling me towards the unknown figure but yet I didn't know where I was being pulled to.

I looked up from my thinking and noticed everyone was standing together except for Asteria. Asteria was at the far end of the room. We had entered the war room for this conversation and while not large, it seems Asteria managed to worm herself away from everyone else. In the room was the high lord, Asteria, Azriel, Cassian and I. The others had gone off for different tasks. My mother was with my siblings. Amren had disappeared with her family to discuss something while my cousins patrolled the halls. Gwyn and Nesta was taking care of Emerie with Mor by her side. Mor's mate was pulling out of a close call. With the intruders giving her a blow to the head to incapacitate her. It had been touch and go until the healer got here because of the amount of blood she lost.

My father snapped us out of our stare down as he said, "The assailant is gone. It's fair to say who ever it is, is in their own court now." Cassian glared around the room and said, "How can they just vanish out of the wards? How did those guys get through them?" Asteria looked up at that and said, "The only way they could enter without anyone noticing is simultaneously with someone else. To focused on one to notice the others."

I sighed and said, "Mor and Emerie were their entrance. That makes sense why Emerie was the one who got hurt when visiting the kids. They used her to enter and she got in the way." Cassian took that before he said, "Yea I get that but how did they get out. I mean the assassin took the head guy with them and their a few questions I want to ask him."

Azriel perked up from the corner then. His shadows had been swarming him which kept him basically hidden from view as he said, "She is a shadowsinger. That's how she got out of here without winnowing. It's a different type of magic, one that the wards don't have any defenses against because I was the only known one around." Cassian startled before Asteria's eyes narrowed as she said, "How do you know it's a she?"

Azriel looked eyes with her and they narrowed before he said, "Because my shadows picked up on the scent and because she sent a shadow to me before she attacked to calm my worry over Magnus." Azriel's smiled softly as he mentioned his son. The others seemed to relax slight with the information before I let my mind wander slightly. My mate was a she. It didn't matter much to me as I've always been open to either with little preference but for some reason knowing a little information thrilled me.

But a shadowsinger was rare and I felt the worry cloud my mind at the knowledge of what happened to Azriel to make him a shadowsinger. I instantly felt myself stiffen and my father noticed. He raised an eyebrow at my tense face which I normally kept in a mixture of smug and coldness. I shook my head slightly and he didn't push before I said, "Anything from the captured individuals?"

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