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   Nyx's point of view:

I set the maps down on the main table with a clatter. The small pieces of carved wood were now scattered across the wooden table that I was trying to arrange. I had taken to turning the loft of the second floor into the war room as it was spacious and provided lots of sitting room. The entire loft was decked out in plush couches and chairs covered in blankets. The wooden table in the middle did look a bit misplaced, but it would work.

Currently, I have made the river house our group's home base. While once my parent's house, it works for the needs of our group. Much of our work dealing with the rebels will come from plans made here. While we didn't have much information so far, Karyan would be back soon with more details.

Recently my cousins have made arrangements to reside here in the river house. It made planning more manageable, but it also meant the place was quite chaotic some days. Living in such close quarters made everyone a bit testy. It was new for everyone to live together for once. It's different living together and being raised together.

  I heard a bit of shouting from downstairs, but otherwise, it was quiet in the loft. The sun was shining into the room with a comforting light. I allowed myself to stretch my wings to bask in it while I unfolded and looked over the maps. I pinned the various pieces of parchment in place on the table to accurately represent each court and its cities.

I was lost in work, but it didn't stop me from noticing the movement at the corner of my gaze. Asteria was quiet but not enough to sneak up on me. She approached and picked up one of the wooden pieces that had slid across the table. Asteria's analytical gaze looked it over briefly before placing it back in a pile with the other pieces. I finished setting the final map and let my gaze be matched with hers as she said, "I assumed you would be preparing for our trip to the Summer Court. We are leaving in about an hour."

  I nodded and said, "I thought you had more faith in me, dear sister. Do you really think I'd procrastinated that much?" Asteria didn't even smile, but a single eyebrow raised, effortlessly displaying her disbelief. She did seem to understand my sarcasm and dropped the subject.I glared at her, and she just shrugged, saying, "Don't give me that look. My faith in anyone is rather minuscule." I didn't deny that as I pinned the map's corners into place. Asteria gave an unsure look over the empty maps and said, "I do rather hate an empty map. The idea of an enemy that we have no information on makes my skin itch." I nodded and said, "It doesn't provide much confidence. Though hopefully, Keres will rectify the situation."

  This caught Asteria's attention, and she said rather quietly, "Do you actually think she will join us? We aren't exactly allies with the Summer Court, and her sheer purpose in life is dedicated to its defense." I didn't answer and left the air silent for a moment before I said, "I can't say. Part of me hopes, but I think that's more for my sake than for her." Asteria nodded, and she placed her hands on her hips delicately as she said, "Theirs nothing wrong with wanting your mate by your side. And this will provide a way to get to know her while being efficient in other areas. If I didn't know better, I would think you stole the idea straight from me."

  I chuckled and said, "I'll take that as a compliment. I don't often get credit for my ideas from you." Asteria smiled, but it was a political smile, more patronizing than endearing. I had barely even heard it, but a slight sound behind me caught my attention. Asteria hadn't even a chance to speak before a loud voice questioned, "Well, I rarely hear you two laughing with each other. What's the occasion?"

  I turned to the figure coming into the light from the dim hallway. Karyan's auburn hair shone in the light from the windows as I smiled. Her cheeky grin was enough to cheer up even the saddest soul as I said, "I think you've mistaken laughter for an unamused chuckle." Karyn rolled her eyes before I said, "Despite that, it's good to see you back in one piece. I was worried you'd been held captive somewhere when I didn't see you at breakfast." Karyn bounced over to my side to give me a welcoming hug as she said, "Nah, not a prisoner. I took a stop at a pub, but that was only to wake me up a bit." I shook my head as she gave Asteria a warm hug next. I would have chuckled at the image if only they couldn't hear me. Karyn looks like a spark of glowing ash against Asteria's cold exterior.

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