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Keres's point of view:

I covered my face as the glass and crystal strewn the floor. The screams of fright echoed in my ears as people shoved backward, desperate to escape the intruders. I pushed toward the front of the crowds to see the assailants enter the room. Six individuals entered the room and spread out. Each individual had a bow and a full quiver of arrows attached to their back. I could see from here that the intruder's arrows were made from ash wood, and I could smell the faebane from across the room.

The individuals pointed the projectiles at the crowd, their eyes narrowed and watching through the black cloth that shielded their features. The fabric covered some of their physical attributes but not all of them. I could see webbed hands on one individual, and another's skin was textured as if made from stone or a tree branch. I saw one larger individual step forward. Clearly, he was male from the broad shoulders and the heavier set frame. His voice wasn't deep but harsh as he yelled over the crowd, "Well, this is quite some gathering. I feel awful that we weren't invited to attend." My father, ever the spokesman, stepped forward in the middle of the crowd as I moved towards the wall.

My father gestured his hands toward the ballroom walls, trying to appear welcoming and large as he said, "You are welcome to join us, sir. Though I would only ask to know who I am addressing." The arrows pulled taunt toward my father's chest, and it took great strides not to burst forward and block him from their aim. The man chuckled from where he stood and said, "I don't think you are in a position to ask any questions, High Lord." He said the title like a sneer as he stepped forward, looking around the room. My father trying his best to retain attention, said, "Well, considering you are in my home, I would assume that I could ask questions of my guests."

I felt my shadows flood back to my sides. Their forms made me aware that my serpents knew of the intruders and were on their way. Depending on where they were, they may not make it here until they start shooting people. I heard the man in front of my father stop his walk and say, "This should not be your home. A palace built by the blood of lesser fae in replace of crimes against the unjust system you overlook. This should be a home for us, not you. So no, you don't get to ask questions, but since we are the only lesser fae here, we do."

I heard a laugh across the room, and a different intruder was laughing at Eris, the High Lord of Autumn Court. He gestured to the attempt to conjure magic before the leading male said, "Oh did you forget, sire." The sire came out like a hiss as he said, "All the high lords, ladies, and heirs agreed that no harmful magic could be used during the celebration. I assume this is a way to keep the peace between the courts. But that also leaves you lot, defenseless."

I saw the fear cross many faces in the room, and whispers could be heard before the archers approached the crowd. I needed to stall them while I figured out a plan. I looked around the ballroom before I called Asteria mentally. I didn't know if she could hear me, but I thought of a plan in my mind. If I was right in my assumption, I could use my shadows to restrain some guards long enough to get everyone to the tunnels. Ceto would be here by then to pull open the walls and file everyone down into the castle. But I would need the other shadow singer to help with the other half of the guards.

I looked at the assailants, unsure of how they knew of the deal made, as I only knew from something my brother said in passing. Then, the understanding of how they heard and how I could cause a distraction hit me. I sent my shadows away from me, despite their protests, and they scurried in place along the walls to slowly approach the archers. Then, I stepped out of the crowd, turning eyes to me and allowing my shadows to sneak along the perimeter.

I heard the gasps, and the archers, seeing me, froze their approach. The arrows turned my way at my slow movements closer but didn't fire as the man in front said, "What is this?" I went to stand in front of my father, more as a way to push him towards the others, before I said, "I'm Keres, General of the Summer Court." I saw the bemused glances between the archers before the group talker said, "Ah, yes. I've heard of you. The young General is barely seen by her people and rarely with her troops." I opened my arms into an unassuming shrug as if this was a regular conversation before I said, "What can I say? I enjoy my privacy."

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