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    After returning to my home with my sea serpents, we chose to relax separately. Each of them was adjusting back into the comforts of my house after so long within the shadows. I would allow them all the time they needed as we adjusted slowly after missions. Despite my silence on the subject, they knew there was something else we needed to discuss that would require their utmost attention. So we dinned together and adjusted to being around others but conversed very little before turning into bed.

   I knew I couldn't keep their curiosity at bay for long, and I wasn't the least bit surprised when I arrived at breakfast the following day to see two of the three serpents waiting. They were not waiting for me, but instead information. Emerson and Lyssa were sitting across from each other near the head of the table. They left me a chair at the head of the table, probably more out of habit than consideration. As I approached, they looked up quickly. Despite being the most comfortable in my home compared to other places, you could never take the alertness out of the assassin. When they figured out it was me, they relaxed and easily chatted again as I sat down at the white marble table. The sunlight shone into my house via the various skylights and windows dotted around my house. My shadows skittered around in the light. Some wisps twirled around the silverware before they were batted away by Lyssa. She wouldn't take any mischief from my shadows.

    Emerson gave me a bright smile as I sat down. His sharp teeth reminded me of a serrated blade glimmering in the light. He gave me a once over and said, "You looked like you slept well." I knew he was joking, but the snort that came from Lyssa made me roll my eyes. I had been utterly restless last night. Some part of me was uneasy, and stress knotted my stomach like a rope. I raised the glass of orange juice to my lips and said with a small smile, "Like a baby." Emerson shrugged and seemed to accept that answer, but Lyssa joined in to say, "So a lot of screaming a crying." I glared as I lowered the cup from my lips. My shadows sensed my annoyance and hovered closer to my side in their attempt at comfort. Emerson chuckled at the comment before he said, "Enough, Lyssa, we shouldn't rile her up all things considering." Lyssa didn't comment but nodded to Emerson. There was a comfortable silence that followed as we ate. I was nearly finished with my assortment of fruits and meats when Ceto walked in.

Emerson chuckled as Ceto sat next to him before he said to her, "Well, good morning to you." The humor in his voice made Ceto glare his way. Her clothes were disheveled as they were likely the ones she slept in. Her curly hair wasn't styled and instead had random strands going in various directions. Ceto yawn echoed around the dining hall as she sat. Emerson handed her a plate which she thanked him for before she said between a mouthful of food, "So why exactly were we all summoned here. While I think we all appreciate the niceties of home, it's a bit sudden for me to think everything is alright."

Lyssa glared and snapped quickly to Ceto, "Do talk after you've swallowed." Ceto flicked her an obscene gesture which my shadows silently chuckled at before Lyssa looked towards me and said, "Are we discussing this now or later?" I sighed and sat back as three pairs of eyes stared intently at me. I rubbed my face before I said, "We shall discuss this here. I was going to wait, but it seems you three are intent on knowing.

I looked at the three pairs of curious eyes watching me intently. I circled my finger along the rim of my cup before I said, "I had an unexpected visitor a few nights ago. He presented me with an invitation for all of us." Emerson raised his eyebrow and said with his voice smooth as honey, "You've piqued my interest at the very least. A new teammate sounds fun." Lyssa looked as if she would kick him under the table for interrupting, but I just rolled my eyes. I didn't comment on their actions as I continued, "We've been invited to join our efforts together with another group to find the rebel organization whose actions we've been recently pursuing."

I saw the suspicion cloud Lyssa's gaze, and her once soft amber eyes turned into a stone-cold glare. Everyone seemed a bit on edge, but it was Lyssa who asked, "How do they know we are correlating with you? We've worked very hard to keep ourselves hidden in this world so that we can be of service to you. So how do they know about us." I saw the worry start to appear in each of their gazes, and I quickly said to cease their concerns, "He doesn't know about each of you as individuals. He only knows that I have an inner circle that assists me."

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