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    Keres's point of view:

    I meticulously planned the arrival of my serpents and myself to allow us to slip past the watchful gazes of the palace. Not only had we escaped notice by the royal families, as we arrived when all the high lords and ladies would be meeting, but all the heirs were also meeting with my brother, giving us the perfect moment to slip through the place to my quarters. While I knew my serpents could easily infiltrate the palace, the timing was more for me to escape notice.

    We easily avoided palace workers when my shadows both actively detected and deterred anyone around. I turned down the hallway that held the traditional heir apparent's and the heir presumptuous's apartments. My brother naturally took the heir apparent's apartment despite my elder status, but I didn't mind. My apartment was grander anyway. I could thank my aunt Cresseida. She had expensive taste, and my apartment was evidence of that.

     I led the group into the heir apparent's suit, known as my apartment inside the palace. The area included three bedrooms, two bathing quarters, and a living space. The cobalt blue living area greeted us as we entered, and while it looked the same as it did when I was a child, the sight of my serpents looking about made me smile. They rarely entered the palace as it wasn't my primary residence. So when they got the chance to enter the castle, it always made them curious to look around. Their excitement stirred even my shadows, and they followed each serpent around with silent chatter. The sounds of the darkness trailing around the room reminded me of the silence of twilight, not eerie but almost a faint whisper of a breeze and shaking of trees.

     As my assembly settled their items into various spaces, the group immediately separated into separate tasks. Poor Emerson had been denied a room and was instead banished to the couch in the middle of the room, but he seemed anything but unhappy. Emerson was sprawled out on the white couch and laying back on the cobalt blue and white velvet pillows. He was currently having a lovely conversation with one of my shadows, who had a faint tilt to its diaphanous form as if curious by what he was saying.

    Lyssa, unlike Emerson, didn't take time to unwind and instead dropped her go bag into her claimed room before getting ready to leave. She covered her face with the black silk and wrapped black cloth over any defining features before she left to scout the palace for threats and watch over the high lords. She left with a few of my shadows trailing her to protect her movements. They would alert me if anything went astray.

    Emerson, however, just sprawled into one of the plush chairs in the living area. My shadow had apparently gotten bored of his conversation and returned to my side, resulting in Emerson's exclamation, "Good, while she's checking the guest list, I'll inspect the snacks." Emerson was pawing through the bowl of fresh fruit with a grin. His serrated teeth gleamed in the light as if to betray his hunger. Ceto rolled her eyes from where she was scouting the space for exits and potential areas for infiltration. I smirked slightly when Ceto's hands twisted somewhat in a tightening motion, which made the apple Emerson was about to eat wither in his hand. Emerson recoiled with disgust before he said, "Hey! Not fair I haven't eaten yet today. I was only going to have a snack before patrol." Ceto shook her head with a slightly amused smile before saying, "Let's go, jelly belly. If you don't move your ass, I will be the one going to spy on the high lord's sons." Emerson gave her a hesitant look before it turned into a scowl, and he said, "Fine, I'm going. But for your information, I'm made of cartilage. Not jelly. It's different."

    Ceto snorted, and Emerson gave her an almost upset look. I patted Emerson's shoulder as I walked by and said, "Don't worry, shark bait. We know you're not made of jelly." Emerson huffed but was slightly satisfied before he smirked and said, "It doesn't matter. Even if I were from jelly, I would still be as flexible as I am now. Meaning, I would still be cherished by the lovely ladies and gentlemen." Ceto practically gagged, making Emerson preen like a peacock as he slipped out the door.

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