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Nyx's point of view:

     I smiled as I looked over Keres. I realized quickly that surprising her probably wasn't my best idea. Especially when she tried to make me into a fae dartboard. I wasn't really in the mood to be target practice, but I had startled her. That was evident.

    I figured out quickly that my presence in her home, she had known. It was clear Keres knew someone was here as she entered the room with tension tightening her muscles. She entered the room silently, even to my heightened senses, and was armed with blades at the ready. She tossed her knife when she noticed me but didn't recognize me till after. Despite her first instinct not being a death throw, I did almost fail to catch the blade. That would have ended badly and probably wouldn't have impressed my mate at all.

    Only when I stepped into the light did she recognize me. It was because of the closeness between my sister and Keres that she stopped her attack. There was more loyalty between them than I thought. Though her surprise when I caught the knife also helped to delay her attacks. She was on edge enough to still be away from me, but she was calmer.

    The last time I had seen her, she was dressed head to toe in leather armor, and only her eyes could be seen. I now got a proper chance to look at her as her shadows twirled around me.

    She is beautiful, but clearly, she isn't delicate. Keres had her arms crossed defensively over her chest, which showed off the muscles of her arms and shoulders. Her golden skin was darker than mine and almost looked Illyrian though it had more of an olive undertone. Her form isn't curvy but muscular. Her tension allowed me to see each curve and strength of her body. She seemed comfortable in what she was wearing now as it allowed her broad shoulders and thighs to be on display. The silken material was brighter in color than found in my court but just as revealing.

    She was a weapon, forged and focused, but I wasn't afraid. No part of me was afraid of her. Even after she threw a dagger at me, I couldn't seem to be concerned. The mate bond was pulled so tightly that I swear Keres could feel it too, even if she didn't recognize it. It felt like a bowstring pulled tautly between us. I just hoped neither of us would get pierced by the arrow at the end of this discussion.

    Keres now was watching me intently. Her shadows were swarming around me, and I could feel their presence over my skin. It was a peculiar feeling. It was almost like icy dew was trailing over my skin. It thrilled me slightly to know they didn't act this way around everyone. I just didn't quite know what to make of their presence, but it almost seemed curious if not loving. They vibrated silently, almost as if silently talking. I wondered if I could ask Keres without making her suspicious of me.

     After a moment, she sat in the chair at her desk. I could tell she was trying to hide the files that laid on her desk. I hadn't looked at them despite my curiosity. I assumed that it was paperwork from her commanders about the troops. Her body language made me second guess my original assignment as she was shielding them with her form. It made me think the information was something of exceptional value.

    After a few moments, I went to join her. However, her shadows were almost blocking me as I tried to move. They seemed intent on keeping me in one place, but I pushed through their whispy forms. It felt like walking through deep snow, dense and fridged. I made my way to the chair, though. Keres watched my movements like a hawk, even as she tried to appear calm.

     Her shadows clouded around me for a bit before they went back towards Keres. She seemed to be trying to call them, but a few still refused to leave my side. Despite my attempt at a cocky exterior, it made me smile at their interest in me. Even though we shared a mate bond, the fact that another part of her felt connected to me was thrilling.

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