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Keres point of view:
I rested in the shadows of a bookcase above the ballroom. The opening from the top of this private library led for a perfect view down on the assembling High lord and Lady of the Night Court. I wasn't here for them though, despite them discussing information I'd learned months ago, I was here for the summer court traitors who wanted to make a point to the leaders of night court.

From what information I had, they didn't know today was when they discussed information on the rebellions that are spreading throughout the courts like a disease. The traitors only knew they were all gathered now and this would be the best time to get the information of their plan out.

They were smart enough to wait for the last person to assemble but I didn't feel their presence in the building yet. Despite the movement throughout the halls I knew they weren't here. My shadows curled around my ears, giving me whispers of information. The shadows didn't speak, but they had different ways of communicating such as the vibrations. When my shadows vibrate they can mimic pitches to replay sounds. It allows me to hear all around the extremely large house without ever leaving my position.

I knew what my mother would call this scouting. She'd say it was unnecessary and betraying my own court for another, but I call it loyalty. One of my only friends in the world lived here. She wasn't afraid of me, nor did she care that I was female or a shadowsinger. She just liked me. I felt my face lift into a smile, one that warmed my chest despite the cold of the darkness and shadows.

Speaking of friend, I saw her enter. I tipped her off about the infiltration the second I learned and she was the one who helped plan this. I emerged from the shadows I hid in, letting myself reform to the present world and not in the realm of shadows. Asteria smiled to me and I took her in at that moment.

She was always prettiest when she smiled though it was rare. Her violet eyes sparkled in the light and her face was square and strong like her fathers. Asteria had her fathers hair, black as coal which shone against her paler skin tone. In every way she looked just like her father who I could see below with a dark haired figure which I assumed was one of his sons or nephews. Asteria held none of the petit shyness of her younger sister Neith though. She did however have a strong form that radiated strength.

She smiled at my approach over to the balcony where she leaded. Asteria looked around to see our surroundings before she said, "Your well glamoured. Either that or your shadows are just strong enough today to completely camouflage you. I wouldn't have even known you were here if not for you revealing yourself." I smiled silently and made sure my throat wasn't dry, to make sure it didn't squeak or breath as I talked. I said softly to not draw any listening ears and gazed, "My point here is to remain hidden until they reveal themselves. Stealth is the key to that."

Asteria nodded in understand before she said, "Which is exactly why your the best infiltrator in the entire court systems." I shook my head with a smile as I said, "That's only because the others don't know about me." She didn't argue which I took as a resignation from the argument. Her dress caught my attention though as she contemplated. I never understood how she could make the simplest things look fantastic when I still look like a brick shoved in a dolls dress.

As if hearing my thoughts, Asteria chuckled. Her navy dress she wore sparkled from the beadwork as she turned. It was simple but stunning, much better than my leathers which encased most of my body. Asteria seemed to sense my apprehension and said, "Just because you are not wearing a dress, doesn't mean you look any less stunning." I nodded in understanding before she said, "If you would take down that hood you'd look quite alluring and mysterious. Instead you appear exactly as you want to, cold and secretive as an assassin should."

She had a point. With my hood and mask over my face, it masked my identity well, but left myself being little more than a moving blade, nothing left for the watcher to imagine about. In this I was meant to be forgettable, with nothing that stands out that would lead to my discovery.

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