Chapt. 14

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He knew better than to act the way he did, but he couldn't help it. It was an odd feeling of possessiveness over the woman he thought was just for his eyes to see. The one who he thought no one else in his group would meet. He had never had a secret he could keep from them, nothing that he was able to retain for himself and staying only for himself in the long run. He was tired, exhausted, the week had been eventful for all the wrong reasons, and he now sat in hiding. He just wanted to have some time to himself, some time to think, but his thoughts were consuming him. He wanted so desperately to go back to his little corner of Korea, but now, now he had nothing. Everything he held dear has slowly been taken from him. Namjoon had no energy left to fight off the hoards of fans and cameras that followed him and stripped him of his sense of self.

It was like watching your best friend try to woe your sister. Namjoon felt a bit of pain with every message Nia sent him.

It was the weekend of their time off, Christmas right around the corner. He remembered leaving Nia at the bus stop, his cold demeanor making her feel uneasy.

"But as I said, the meals are good, and he's a good person overall," she explained to him.

She had gone off about his bandmate and thought at first, he was interested, yet as her rambles increased so did his uneasiness and he couldn't help but feel hurt with every word that slipped through her lips.

"So why not date him?" he said bluntly.

"Were you listening to me all Jun? I said he acts cold. He doesn't act the way I imagined he would so I am no longer- you know what, you really need to clean your ears. Is that snowman head hollow or does it block all the words I've said up till now?" she chuckled playfully.

"Hey, Jin Hyung," Yoongi spoke up, Namjoon looking up from where he was sitting, snapping back to the present.

He had been sitting in the dorms, his eyes fixated on the clock as he recollected the events of that week. Jin had been cooking food for them, Yoongi arriving only hours later after many of the members had left. Both of the eldest members looked tired, a mountain of luggage stacked by the door belonging to each one of them.

"Going out again, Hyung?"

"Ah, Yoongi, I didn't see you there," Jin replied from inside the kitchen, a pair of chopsticks in hand as he turned the searing meat.

"I don't know. I think I will be going out in the evening. Not sure yet," He added.

Namjoon perked up, listening to Jin speak. Namjoon had seen Jin become more relaxed with Nia, heard of it between mumbles Nia had added. He wondered, did Jin see her the way he did? Did Jin also get that same bubbly feeling he did from being around her?

It wasn't like Nia was anything special, but Namjoon knew that she was both easy on the eyes and was well at masking her adoration for Jin. He could never forget the number of times a day she would mention his bandmate with the sweetest tone, her eyes becoming so loving with every mention of his name. He would often have to hold his tongue whenever she mentioned something Namjoon knew Jin hated about himself or that she had read into too much. Surprisingly, however, she never once acted jealous of Jin. Had she known the many people he had dated, would she still feel the same about him? He wondered if he were to tell her the true way he viewed the world, would she accept Jin, or would she change her view and look only at him?

"It almost seems like you're out on dates. Where do you really go, hyung?" Yoongi asked.

Yoongi had walked over and sat on one of the kitchen counters, his legs dangling on the edge of it.

"Not really. It feels more like a burden but I am responsible for her since I offered. Less of a date, more of a duty," Jin mumbled while placing some of his side dishes in a container.

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