Chapt. 9

56 8 3

"I love you!"

It was cold.

The cold air of December had descended on Seoul, and it bit at Namjoon's skin indiscriminately. However, the rage that had begun to surge within him made him able to ignore it completely.

"Stop," Namjoon ordered, his eyes glistening with anger, "don't come any closer."

He could feel his blood boiling, the thought of the woman ignoring Nia filling him with anger. 

How could she be so heartless, he wondered?

"Why are you so mad, Oppa?" the young woman asked, tears beginning to form in her eyes, "can't you see I love you? I want you to meet me. Could I have your number?"

"Is that all you people do? Support us because you plan to date us? Is that the only reason? Your friend is in there hurt and you are here trying to hit on me?-"

"Yes! You're perfect for me Oppa! No man can compare," the woman interrupted.

Namjoon had never been more uncomfortable before, his head shaking while he took a step away from her.

"I have pictures of you, I know everything about you," the woman continued.

"Stop. Have you no shame?"  

"I know all about your family, and I know what things you like and what you don't. I'm perfect for you Oppa," she added, her eyes pleading at him.

She could notice his discomfort but continued.

She cared not if she hurt him or others by saying the things she said. She just wanted his acceptance. She had to have her words reach him, she needed for him to love her and fix her, just like in the movies. She needed him to fix her and make her better. He was her reason to live. He was her escape from the world, but to him, she was nothing but obsessed. 

"I would never date someone like you," he shouted, turning his back to her and walking away.

If he had stayed longer, she would have explained, May thought.

"No, he's not rejecting me, this is just how Oppa is, hard to get," she grinned a wicked smile, tears rolling down her cheeks.


Namjoon left the hospital in a hurry, making his way to his private home while leaving a voice mail for Jin to hear. He didn't want to accidentally bump into the girl, not while angry, and just got his things and left. 

"I'll be back tomorrow," he mumbled in the recording, Jin listening to it cut off abruptly before hanging up.

"That girl really must have done a number on him," Jin said to himself, placing the phone in his coat pocket. 

He sighed.

He had hopped the girl would have been of more help, but after she ran off, all he could wonder is what she could have said to his friend.

Jin sat quietly in the recovery room looking directly at the girl who had been in surgery for a while. It had always fascinated Jin how being a fan worked. While some had a healthy appreciation of them, others fantasized about marrying them or even hurting them.

"What a silly world," he said sadly, Jin turning the page of a worn-out book he had brought with him.

It was difficult to read in such a dim light, but he opted for keeping the room closer to how dark it was outside.

Maybe it would help her recover faster, or help her eyes rest easier, he smirked to himself.

He had been keeping an eye on the woman since he first came across her. She was no different from the other fans, but he wasn't sure if her reaction would be the same as those of the people who had pushed her onto the floor. Was she like them? Was she not?


"Y-yes?" a voice croaked in the room, Jin immediately standing up and placing the book on the empty seat behind him.

He had said her name out of curiosity of how it would sound coming from him. He hadn't called after a woman in so long that he just wanted a taste of normality. 

"You're awake?"

"Where am I?" Nia asked, looking around slowly.

She had a pulsating headache and numbness coming from between her eyes, her hand trailing its way up to touch her nose.

"You're at a hospital. Do you remember your name and age?"

"Nia...21 since this...Wait who are you?" she croaked out while squinting.

It was too dark to make out a face, but not dark enough to make out a silhouette.  The man appeared to be amused by this, chuckling before walking over to the light switch and making it brighter with a single twist of the knob.

"Kim Seokjin is the name, thanking you for your heroism is the game, now, how can I compensate for what you did for us?"

Nia was starstruck, her mouth going wide and her heart beginning to beat as it had never done before.


She let her lips close, thinking carefully of her words. She was both embarrassed of how she must have looked when falling -covered in RJ merchandise- and of how she looked now -in a hospital with bandages she could feel against her cheeks and face.

"I um- I'm sorry," she teared up.


"Not doing my job properly. I- I want to thank you for staying with me," she cried out in a mumble. 

She was embarrassed, delirious, and starstruck, all in one. It was painful to her, to have to meet her idol in such a way, but deep down, she was happy. She was happy she was hurt and not him.

"I'm far more thankful for your bravery," Jin smirked.

"You kept us all safe, and being able to have a fresh breath of Seoul's air without being trampled is something new for us, so we appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts."

Nia's tears began falling harder, her hand going up to clean them. Only then did she notice that they had been bandaged up too, Nia too tired to ask why they too were in bandages.

Jin simply walked over, cleaning her cheek while his other hand was in his coat pocket, squeezing a piece of the yellow tape Nia had been holding. She had held on so tight to it that the surgeon only got it off after she had gone under.

"I'm glad you seem to be okay."


Short chapter. I did plan to finish this last month but I hope you don't hate me for still not updating. Please keep supporting me. It does mean so much to read your comments.

I apologize for being absent.

Marili Cruz


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