Chapt. 10

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"Since when have you been a fan?" Jin asked, his words emploring an answer, while hesitant to make a still recovering Nia, speak.

He had been looming over her bed for a while, the passing of time seeming to have stopped a while back. Which each step he took, he became more impatient.

The worry of fans finding out of his whereabouts and the actions they could take after learning of it frightened him to the point that he could not stay seated.

To Nia, this was an opportunity of a lifetime, but all she could do was a nod or shake her head at his questions.

Where are you from?

What's your full name?

Since when have you been a fan?

Does your face hurt?

She was, for one, still suffering the effects of the anesthesia, and second, she was so out of it she could barely make proper sentences make sense in her mind.

It made no sense for him to be there in front of her, and no matter which way she looked at it, he was still but a figure of her imagination. She wondered, with every glance of his face, would he disappear. 

Every hour that passed by only became more agonizing to her. She wanted to know more about him, to see his cheeky smile more. To her, his face became a drug, his words intoxicating her body with a feeling of absolute bliss.

She wanted more, she needed him to stay near her and continue looking at her with such tender looks. Was this an obsession?

Most likely, but it was one she was willing to pay the price for.

"Hungry?" he smirked.

His tone was so playful Nia felt like she was dancing with every note of it.

"Not necessarily," she mumbled in response.

"Hm, odd. You have been here for almost half a day. I'm guessing the shock is keeping you from feeling hunger," he chuckled. 

Nia looked confused.

"Half a day? I- have I not been here but a few hours?" she questioned.

Jin paused, looking deep into her eyes while his head tilted.

"The doctors had quite a hard time locating one of the fragments of your bones which had split off and caused massive swelling. Took them a couple of hours to get you fixed up, and you slept for several more," he replied with a playful tone. 

Both of them went silent for a moment, Nia taking some time to wrap her head around the situation. 

There was a small growl coming from her stomach that interrupted the silence, both Nia and Jin bursting out in a small fit of laughter. 

"I'll go see if I can get you some food, be right back," he smiled, Nia nodding happily.

Opening the door to the hall, Jin's eyes pause on a figure coming towards him wearing a face mask and a hoodie. It was Namjoon, large framed glasses on his face, the same ones he had seen him wear to the hospital when Jungkook had been hurt before.

"How is she?" he asked while passing next to Jin.

There was something that had piqued Jin's interest. The way Namjoon appeared to worry about an absolute stranger and how he had done some of the oddest of gestures while waiting for her to wake up made Jin sizzle with curiosity.  He, more than anyone else, would have been asking- no - begging, for Jin to go home and leave the bodyguards or a representative to deal with her. Since the incident with Jungkook, Namjoon would take any and all precautions to keep the members out of danger, but there he stood, thick awkwardly fitting glasses on his face and a mask that covered more than half of his face. 

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