Chapt. 4

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Nia and Namjoon stood outside the shop, the snow beginning to fall rapidly. They had been assigned to sell the cake Nia had chosen to people, Namjoon ringing a handbell while Nia yelled out onto the street.

Nia's voice was meek, it sounded like she was about done with her life at that moment, and to be quite frank, she was.

"Was it that bad?"

"The third one made me want to vomit, but I had no heart to tell her when she smiled at me the way she did," she groaned out, becoming nauseous at the mere thought of the taste of one of the cakes.

"I hope the one we are selling is nothing like the third one," Namjoon said worriedly, Nia shaking her head rapidly.

"I made sure it didn't. Over my dead body would she sell that cake," Nia assured him, picking up one of the boxes and appearing to inspect it.

"How is it that she created a demon cake but this cake taste so freaking amazing? The world works in strange ways," Nia added with a confused expression, setting the cake down before beginning to yell.

"Japanese Christmas cakes, 2 for 60,000 won!" 

Nia and Namjoon stood there for hours, Namjoon sometimes giving hugs to kids who clung to his side whenever their parents bought some of the cake from them. Nia looked happy with every transaction, the awful taste of the cake she had eaten now long forgotten.

She cheered every time someone bought a cake, her hands going up in the air and wiggling in a weird dance whenever people left with the cake. It made him smile for some reason. She had his groupmate, Hoseok's, same energy. Her smile was just as wide and genuine as Hoseok's, Namjoon finding himself becoming just as excited as she was with every passing customer.

It wasn't long before he too joined in the dance, Nia laughing at him at first before synchronizing her dance with his.

It was fun.

"I never asked, but how old are you Jungi?" Nia questioned.

"27 next year, what about you?" he replied, dusting some of the accumulated snow, off his shoulders.

"I turn 20 next year. I'm still in college."

They went silent once again, Nia yelling out once again while Namjoon rang the bell.

"Why do you do this?" Namjoon asked, curious as to why a student from college would spend her time at a charity instead of spending time with her family or going out with her friends during the holidays.

"My family isn't from here and I don't have enough money to buy a flight home and back. I have only one friend here and it's May, the girl you saw the other day. She has winter classes though, so I had to find a way to occupy my time while also not spending money. Although charity work isn't something that pays much, I also use this for class credit. It basically fills up my elective class."

Namjoon nodded at her words, both of them continuing to attempt  and get customers.

"What about you? Why would you come here of all places? Don't you have a girlfriend or wife to go to?" Nia asked, also curious as to why a man of his age would spend time at a charity.
It wasn't that it was unheard of for someone of his age to not have a girlfriend or wife, but it was just odd. Nia thought the man probably had a job to go to, maybe family. Most of the people who worked at the charity were usually college students, never people who had busy lives, and at 26, she assumed he'd have a day job at the very least.

"Hobby," Namjoon responded, leaving her unsatisfied with his answer.

"A hobby? That's it? At the age of 26 you choose this," she added, motioning at their surroundings and at what he was wearing, "as your hobby?"

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