Chapt. 5

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The snow continued to fall heavy that day, Nia looking over at her watch as she stood near the doorway, her hands rubbing against one another. Even in their small apartment, Nia still felt the cold of the winter air rushing in from underneath the door.


It was finally here, it's cold days and relentless wind unforgiving of everyone who was to get caught in it.

"I'm really going to be late if we don't hurry,  May what's taking you so long-"

Nia had been waiting for half an hour for her friend to finish getting ready, a low sigh leaving her out while she went back to drag May out of her room.

Nia's eyes fell on the curled-up body of her friend, her hands clutching a pillow between her chest and her knees. She was crying, her tears dropping fast onto the top of her hands, May using her palms to rub the tears away.

"What happened May?"

"I just- Namjoon came out in a commercial with another girl. He's cheating on me Nia look at his sly grin, I can't believe he'd do this to me," her friend cried, Nia immediately running to her side.

"It's ok it's ok. I'm sure he wouldn't dare date. He knows better than to date when he has us, his loyal fans, waiting for him, it's okay May, let's just go and have a good day. Forget about it, it's probably fake, for the advertisement, " Nia reassured her, pulling her friend off the bed and towards the doorway.

"Fine. But I swear I'm going to petition for BTS to stop doing advertisements with women. You'll see, we'll have them away from those foxy women soon enough, Jin too!" May yelled, her tears once again tumbling down her cheeks.

Nia rolled her eyes, pulling her friend along with her and out the door

She didn't remember when her respect for BTS had become an obsession, when had Nia's obsession become like one with her friend. It wasn't always that way, but there was no turning back now.

Nia remembered well the first time she had met May, the only person who shared the same interest as her for the seven young men. But slowly, May's love had turned into an addiction, an infatuation with men she would never obtain, Nia simply supporting her and occasionally indulging in the same fangirling moments.

"Let's go have some coffee May, I have a day off anyway. How about brunch at that shop Namjoon is known to go to?"


Namjoon sat quietly with his bandmates, all of them eating food together.

The snow, it continued to fall all throughout the day, the sound of sizzling meat and the smell of freshly charged veggies making all of the men's stomachs grumble.

"Tell me Joonie, you planning on going with your family this year right?" Jin, the eldest member of his group asked, handing Namjoon some salt to add to the meat he had taken off the grill.

They had all agreed on eating meat together before they all started setting up for their flights home in a couple of days. The youngest members had gone to get the meat while Namjoon had arrived a couple of minutes late with a cake in hand.

Jin placed the meet down on a patio table, the youngest members running around behind them while Hoseok and Yoongi set plates down on the table.

"I do. I just haven't set the flight yet. Been a bit busy," he confessed, taking a piece of meat to his mouth in hopes of keeping the questions of what had him busy from being asked.

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