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Little Tzuyu was now at the corner of her parent's room, hiding. Scared and nervous was all she feels right now. She watched how they argued into something, after her mom found out that her dad was cheating on her.

Her mom was right there, holding a gun. Out of anger, she pulled the small trigger and shooted her husband right infront of her daughter.

His body fell on top of the floor, blood gushing out of his body. Tzuyu's mom were now shaking in fear, she didn't mean to do that. It's just that- her anger took all over her.

Shock was written all over Tzuyu's face. At a young age, she shouldn't have witnessed such scenes like this.

"Let's go, Tzuyu. We're leaving"her mom said while grabbing her daughter's hand, but the said latter didn't even move an inch. She's still in shock after all.

"M-mom, what did you do to dad?"Tzuyu asked, her eyes were still glued on her father's unconscious body

"L-listen here, honey. . . Mom, didn't mean it, I-It—"her mom did not able to finish her sentence when the cops suddenly entered their room and put a handcuffs on both of her wrist. Tzuyu chased after them.

"Mom!! What are you doing to her?! Let go of her!!"Tzuyu tried to fight for her mom, but she failed when the cops stopped her from doing so

"Sorry kid, but your mom needs to pay for what she did to your dad"the cop said as they took her mom out of the room

One of the cop dragged Tzuyu away from her parents. Tzuyu couldn't take this anymore as she hurriedly ran away until she got away from them.

She stopped on an empty street and cried at the corner as she heard a sound of a gun again. She fell on her own knees and cried more harder while holding onto her ears, covering them. Her mind was full of fear because of that scene ealier.

"I promise, mom. I will be back and save you from them"Tzuyu walked away until she met this one girl who she assumed to be older than her by 4 or 5 years

"Oh, Hello. Are you alright? You look kinda pale and what are you doing at this time?"the smaller one asked as she checked on the younger one's face. Before the latter could even answer, she suddenly passed out. Gladly, she caught her on her arms.
"Oh my god, she fainted! Eomma!! Appa!!"she called out


"And that's how I met her, mom"Tzuyu said while staring at her mother's grave

She was now a grown woman, a 20 years old woman. Tall, beautiful, gorgeous, all of her was perfect that's why many girls and guys are chasing after her.

She promised to herself that she would be successful one day and now here she is.

"I hope your mom is happy up there"said her friend, Nayeon while looking up above the sky

"It's sad, she never saw you in person"Tzuyu turn to look at her

"I know right? She didn't even see my beautiful gorgeous face. Aish! What a waste"Nayeon said, but the younger one just frowned at her, totally disgusted at that
"Excuse me? What's with that look you're giving to me, huh? I'm just telling the truth! I'm really pretty"she confidently flipped her hair

"Whatever let's go?"

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