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Momo arrived at the Chou's company as early as she can. She wondered why Miyeon wasn't here already, she used to be the first one to arrived in here and now?

She doesn't even know, but she felt worried to that girl.

What just happened to that girl, really?

As when she walked around, she heard the staffs gossiping,

"Haven't you heard about Miyeon? She went missing two days ago"

"Is that true?"

"Miyeon disappeared without Ms. Chou knowing it"

"Isn't creepy? Ms. Chou does not allow her workers to disappear without her consent"

"Maybe Miyeon died"

"Ya! Don't say that!"the girl said and hit the latter's shoulder

"Where the hell did she go?"Momo mumbled before she proceeds to walk

"Get back to work, Ms. Chou is already here!"Nayeon suddenly came with Tzuyu behind her, which the employees hurriedly get back to work in an instant

"Good afternoon, Ms. Chou!"the small blonde haired girl named, Chaeyoung said

"Good afternoon"Momo did the same thing


As Momo finished her work, she came to visit Nayeon's house to have some talk.

"You know, Miyeon was missing for two days already"Momo said while fixing her things

"Yeah, her family already knew about this issue. They are currently doing their best to find her"Nayeon said as she headed towards her fridge to get something to eat for the latter
"You like this?"she asked that Momo quickly took the food

"Okay so— What's the issue?"Momo said while munching her foods

"They said she went to a friend before she disappeared. I'm wondering who is that friend of hers"Nayeon said then went besides Momo's seat

"Wait, so this friend of hers has something to do in this case?"

"No. According to the cops, she did not arrive to her friend's house that night"

"Then why?"

"They said, someone murdered her in the streets. Maybe they tried to holdup Miyeon or something"Nayeon said, Momo is just listening to her seat in full surprise

"Wait! When did that happened again?"Momo asked, curiously

"I think, Friday eight in the evening"Nayeon said, which Momo remembered something. Something that can be connected in this case.

"Wait, I remembered something! She and Sana had a dinner at the exact day and time"Momo said, Nayeon widened her eyes

"Wait, what? So she's that friend?"Nayeon said, covering her mouth in shock

"Yes and I knew someone who can do that to her"


"Unnie, I don't want to think like this, but Tzuyu. . . Tzuyu is the one who pops out of my mind"Momo said, Nayeon quickly look away. The younger one finds it suspicious.
"Ya, unnie! Be honest with me. You know about this, do you?"she asked, looking dead straight onto her eyes

"No. Tzuyu will never do that"Nayeon denied

"With Eunha's death, I have a feeling that Tzuyu killed her. Both of those girls like Sana, they are connected with Sana. She k—"Momo didn't finish her sentence when Nayeon cutted her off

"Stop thinking that way, Momo. You don't know her, I know she can't do that"Nayeon said, playing with her fingers

"We both know that she's a psychopath. It's not far if she'll do things like that. She's hurting you and Sana. She have no mercy! I saw Miyeon at Tzuyu's office the day before she died, I heard them talking. And you, I heard you talking about Eunha. She even threatened you that time!"Momo stated, Nayeon can't do anything now. She doesn't know what to say anymore.

"M-Momo, It's just—"Nayeon said, her hands were already shaking

"Unnie, Why are you doing these? Are you even helping her? And why aren't you even stopping her?!"Momo said, shaking Nayeon's body
"Unnie, please tell me. We both know that that's a crime"she added

Nayeon is not responding. It made her furious.


Again she's not responding.

"Unnie tell me!"Momo shouted, Nayeon's tears started to fall down

"Because I love her! I don't care if I commit a crime just to save her. No matter what happens, I will protect her. I will do anything because I love her, Momo ya" Nayeon suddenly burst out, she didn't know but it suddenly came out of her mouth.

"Unnie, it's not because you love her, you'll do all of that. You know, what you're doing right now could put you both in jail" Momo warned her

"No, Momo. She will never let that happen"Nayeon said, but Momo didn't buyed that

"Do you think she will cover you up like what you did to her? She can't even love you back"

"I don't really know what to do, Momo. I don't know"

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