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It's been a week and Chou's company is already hiring a new worker to replace Miyeon.

People already know that Miyeon died and they still can't find who's  behind it, just like what happened to Eunha. As for Tzuyu, she acted the same way so they didn't see her as a suspect plus she wasn't even related to the girls.

Tzuyu is a great killer, she had killed many people and not even one of them knows, she's good at hiding secret. She can buy the case with the help of her money and power.

"Your name is?"Nayeon asked. They were now hiring a new worker right now.

"Kim Dahyun, at your service"Dahyun showed them a lovely genuine smile

"I think this one will fit in Chou's company" Momo whispered to Nayeon to which the older one agreed

After several interviews, Dahyun was finally hired as their new employee.

"Congrats Ms. Kim! You are now part of Chou's company, you can now continue tomorrow"Nayeon said, shaking hands with the said latter

"Congratulations Ms. Kim, see you here around!"Momo said and do the same way as Nayeon

"Thank you Ms. Im and Ms. Hirai!"Dahyun said, bowing her head once again

"Just call us by our first name, you don't need to be too formal. We are just the same, we work here as well"said Nayeon while smiling at her
"Ya Momo! You like her, don't you?"she asked when Dahyun left, making Momo blushed

"She's cute, unnie"Momo said, her face started to heat up


"Omo! Unnie, are you working around here?"

Tzuyu excitedly said as she and Dahyun have an embrace.

"And you can call me whatever you want, we're friends after all"Tzuyu said while rolling her eyes at her

"Still, I'm working with you"

"I'm the boss here, so you have to follow my orders, is that clear?"Tzuyu said, folding her arms over her chest

"Yes, ma'am!"Dahyun salutes and they laugh together

"Oh! Are you two close to each other already?"Nayeon suddenly came and asked

"Yes unnie, we were in the same class when we were kids"Tzuyu said putting an arm over Dahyun's shoulder

Suddenly, Sana came. Dahyun was too stunned. She didn't move an inch, but just looked at the Japanese girl.

"Hi Tzuyu!"Sana said as she walked towards them

"By the way, Dahyun unnie. Meet Sana, my girlfriend" Tzuyu proudly said. Dahyun smiled bitterly.

"It was nice meeting you, Sana"Dahyun said while shaking her hands, which surprised the latter

"N-Nice meeting you too"Sana said shyly, while scratching the back of her neck. Dahyun smiled at her.


"Is she really that close to Ms. Chou? Ugh! It's annoying"

"She's just getting Ms. Chou's attention"

"She's just doing that to get close to Ms. Chou"

"She doesn't deserve it"

Tzuyu heard it and gave them a death glare.

"You all get back to work! Don't tell her that or else I will end your fucking job! Get back to work now!"Tzuyu exclaimed as they quickly followed her command

"Tzuyu, you don't have to do that"Dahyun said looking down

"No unnie, you're my friend, of course- I'll defend you. I can't just stand my employees to treat you like that, you don't deserve it. You can go back to your place now, let's go Nayeon unnie, Sana"Tzuyu said as the two followed

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Nayeon's lips, thinking.

"That's the second reason why I love this person"

Tzuyu has many great side even if she's a pyscho and that's a fact.


Sana's apartment

Sana received a sudden knock from downstairs. She wondered who it was since Tzuyu said that she couldn't come later, because she will be having a meeting with her Japanese friend, Mina.

Second, Momo hasn't come here every night since then. She knows that Tzuyu always visits her here so she doesn't have space to come here anymore.

She just brushed it off and quickly went to the front door with a sigh. When she opened it, she was surprised to see this sudden visitor of hers. There she saw, this small black haired woman smiling at her.

"Hi, Sana unnie"the latter suddenly hugged her

"D-Dahyun, how did you know about my apartment?"Sana asked curiously

"Have you forgotten already? You gave your address to me the last time we met"Dahyun said

"Yeah, I remembered that"Sana said, forcing a smile

"Aren't you happy that I'm here? I'm here, coming back to you. I'm back"Dahyun asked sadly

"It's not that. Y-You came too late, I'm sorry"

"It's okay, I can wait for you"

"But you know. . . I already have a girlfriend"

"But Sana, You promised me right?"Dahyun lowerd down her head

"Promises are meant to be broken"Sana said, trying not to hurt her

"Sana, why? You said you would wait for me even if it took too long?"Dahyun said, her tears starting to fall

"Dahyun, past is past we can't bring back what we had in the past, we can just be friends instead" Sana said, trying to convince her

"But I love you and I know you still have feelings for me"

And the next thing Dahyun did shocked Sana. She kisses her. She didn't know what to do.

But one thing is for sure, she kissed the latter back. . .

Little did they know, Tzuyu was outside, watching them.

She even ended her meeting with Mina that quick so she can have a lot of time with her girlfriend. Yes, she told Sana that she can't go but she just wanted to surprise her. But for what she found right now— Instead, she was the one who got that surprise. She saw how Sana responded to those kisses. She felt pain by just looking at them.

"Why are you guys doing this to me, why?"Tzuyu whispered as her tears fell

Her hands are now clenched on the steering wheel. She just returned to her Condo with that state. She couldn't watch them. It just- it pains her heart.

Now that she saw her bestfriend and her girlfriend— kissing.

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