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Today is Momo's first day at Chou's company. She was heading to her office, together with her Japanese friend.

With the permission of Nayeon, letting her bring someone. It's fine as long as it's not a destruction to her.

"Good morning, Nayeon unnie!"Momo greeted as she gave the latter a warm embrace

"Good morning, Momoring! And oh? Is she the one you're talking to me?"Nayeon smiled

"Yeah and sh— Good morning, Ms. Chou!"Momo got cutted off as she saw Tzuyu walking towards their direction

"Morning"Tzuyu shortly replied as she was busy staring at the person besides Momo and Nayeon noticed it

"Tzuyu ah, do you want some coffee?"Nayeon asked, linking her arms to the latter's but she didn't seem to notice her

"What's your name?"Tzuyu asked Momo's friend, not even minding Nayeon

"Sana, Minatozaki Sana"the orange haired girl said as Tzuyu reached out her hands for her to shake

"It was nice meeting you, Sana. Now, excuse me"Tzuyu said as she walked away with a smile plastered across her face

"I have never seen Tzuyu smile like that, never ever in my whole entire life"Nayeon said in shock

"Maybe she likes you Sana chan"Momo teased, wiggling her brows that it annoys the latter

"Stop that Momo, maybe she's just being nice here"Sana said, rolling her eyes

"You don't know, Sana. She is not like that at all"Nayeon paused and sighed, facing her back to them
"Nevermind that"she then walked away

"Nayeon unnie is being weird today"

"She's just jealous"Momo said as they entered her office

"Okay so- you mean Nayeon unnie likes her friend, Tzuyu?"Sana asked curiously

"From what I saw, Yes. But she kept on  denying it— like girl! It's too obvious!"

"Maybe. . . By the way is your boss single?"Sana asked as she sat at the top of the table. Yes, on that fucking table. It made Momo frowned.

"So what if she is single or not? Oh my gosh! Hold on! Let me process some things! Do you like her too? I mean, it's not far for you to like her since she's way too close to your ideal type"

"What the hell are you talking about?Is it bad to ask such questions like that?"

"Duh! If you weren't interested in her, you wouldn't be asking such questions like that!"

"Aish! Whatever, I'll take my leave now"Sana said and was on her way to the door but to her surprise, Tzuyu suddenly arrived

"Hey"Tzuyu started. Sana doesn't know what to answer so she just gave the said latter a smile. And for sure, her friend will going to bomb her some questions if she say something more.
"Momo, I need you in my office right now"she added and left the two alone

"Why are you so speechless Sana ya?"Momo teased

One of the reason why I don't want to start a conversation with Tzuyu.

This girl will always find an issue.

"I'll be going first, Girl bye!"Momo playfully bumped on her shoulder

"Ugh! That girl is such a tease"Sana mumbled as she left outside

"Hey Sana, Are you leaving now?"Nayeon suddenly appeared

"Yeah, why?"Sana asked as she raised an eyebrow

"So. . . Are you busy?"

"Uhh No? Need something?"

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