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"Why can't you just love me back? Is that hard? What else do you want?!"Tzuyu shouted out of anger, gripping onto Sana's hair harshly and she doesn't even care if it hurts her

"Tzuyu, I already told you! I'm not ready to enter into that relationship so please let me go"Sana pleaded

"I won't! Tell me, am I not enough for you, Sana? Why are you doing this to me!! Why?!"Tzuyu gripped on Sana's hair harder than before, enough for the latter to feel the pain

"Tzuyu, why are you like this? I thought you love me? Then why are you hurting me?!"Sana exclaimed as her tears started to fall down on her cheeks

With that said, Tzuyu got to her own senses and removed her gripped from Sana's. She hurriedly hugged her with guilt never left on her body.

"I'm sorry, Sana. Please don't cry, I didn't mean it"Tzuyu mutturred, caressing the older one's hair and gave Sana a peck on her lips

"Tzuyu! What did you do to her?!"Nayeon said rushing towards the two girls

"I-I don't k-know unnie. . . I d-didn't mean it. I s-swear" Tzuyu trembled

Sana already found out that she loves Tzuyu, yet she's hesitant to answer her because she is hurting her so often. They are not in a relationship yet, but she is already receiving those pain. What else if they become official? She might always hurt her and that scared her all the time.


"Tzuyu hurts you almost often. Are you okay? Do you really have no intention of leaving her?"Momo asked worriedly

"No Momo, I love Tzuyu and I won't let that happen"

"What the hell Sana? What will you do then? Are you just going to let her hurt you?"

"She's hurting me because I'm disobeying her"

"And that doesn't mean she has a right to hurt you. Sana, if that woman really loves you, she will not do things that will hurt you

"But Momo—"

"How long has it been?"Momo questioned, trying to act cool. But Sana wasn't even helping as she's not uttering any word that it looses her temper.
"Answer me, Sana!"she yelled enough for their neighbors to hear

"B-before monday when I didn't let her pick me up because I was with Eunha"

"That's the reason why she's hurting you, Sana! You are tolerating her too much. What's wrong with you? The Sana that I know is a strong and independent woman. You will not let anyone hurt you"Momo put her hands over her shoulders
"Not because you love her, doesn't mean she has the right to hurt you. I'm telling you, don't let her hurt you"she patted her shoulders

"Is it wrong to love a psychopath?"Sana asked, trying not to tear up

"I knew it, she's a pyschopath!"

"Momo, she didn't mean to be like it. She got into a trauma when she was young that caused her to become like that. Nayeon unnie told me that. But trust me- trust me, Momoring. She's trying her best not to hurt me"

"Sana, you need to wake up! You can't just love a psychopath. She's out of her mind, We don't know what goes through her brain. What if she kills you, what if-"

"Please, Momo! I can't take it. I love her. I'm really sorry, but you can't just stop me from not loving her. I love her, I love her so much"Sana then walked out, leaving the said latter alone


Sana immediately visited Tzuyu's Condo. She already know her password so she easily got inside. She is welcome to her place anytime after all.

After that, she check almost every place but she didn't even get to see any glimpse of Tzuyu. She looked for the whole place, but there is really no sign of Tzuyu there. She panicked.

"Where the hell is she?!"

Sana is now getting worried right here, she has nowhere to go, she only have this Condo and her work, nothing more.

She quickly fished out her phone and called Nayeon.

Hi unnie, did Tzuyu left the company already?

Uhh yes, she just left the company earlier. I wanted to come but she didn't let me. . .

Do you know where she is?

To her Condo, I guess? She said she was going home. Do you want me to call her?

No. Thank you, unnie! Sorry to bother you.

After that, Sana immediately ended the phone call. She tried to call the taller. Her phone is ringing, yet she's not answering.

"What the hell Tzuyu?! Where have you been? I'm getting worried here as fuck"Sana mumbled, caressing her temple

She is about to go out to look for the latter somewhere else. Her head is already heating up so she decided to freshen up her mind on the rooftop first.

Little did she know, Tzuyu was also right there. She's attempting to jump on the tall building when Sana saw her and didn't waste any time to stop her from doing so. She pulled the taller with her, but because of her clumsiness, both of them fall on the ground. Tzuyu's now on top of her, already with her sleeping state.

"Ya, Tzuyu ah! Why did you sleep, How can I lift you up with that?"Sana said, caressing Tzuyu's soft face
"Ya Tzuyu ah~ you can't just sleep like this"she tried to shook her body

"S-Sana, is that you? Can you not leave me? Please, I'm begging you. I love you"Tzuyu said in her drunk state

"Ya! Tzuyu ah! You need to stand! I'm leading you to your room. Let's go"Sana blurted, which Tzuyu quickly followed

Sana put her arm over her shoulder for support. She can't carry Tzuyu not because she's heavy, but because she's too weak to do so.

Sooner and they finally arrived inside as Sana placed the younger over her bed. To her surprise, the latter vomited on her own clothes. She headed towards the bathroom to get some towel and wiped Tzuyu's mouth and clothes. After that, she get some comfortable clothes for her to wear.

"Tzuyu, this wear it. I will just go get some coffee to freshen up yourself"Sana said as Tzuyu just nodded her head and took the clothes in Sana's hands

Sana is now going to the kitchen to make coffee for the drunk yoda. As when she finally finished doing her thing, she immediately returned to Tzuyu's room.

For her shock, she saw Tzuyu half naked. She's just wearing a sports bra and her body is sweating because of the heat of the alcohol.

Sana got frozen from her place. She tried not to look at Tzuyu, but her eyes betrayed her. She first started to her eyes, to her nose, lips, neck, chest until it landed on her toned abdomen. She slyly bit her lower lip and showed up to her.

"Enjoying the view?"Tzuyu said in a husky voice. She's still drunk after all.

Sana didn't even move an inch. She was surprised when she saw Tzuyu heading towards her.

Tzuyu went on her direction without even breaking an eye contact. For her dismay, the latter just took the coffee on her hand.

Sana sighed and look away as Tzuyu drink her coffee and wear her shirt.

A little while, she got back to sleeping with Sana standing still on her place. When Sana didn't heard anything from her, she took that chance to leave.

"Goodnight, Tzuyu ah"

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