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It's been a few months since Tzuyu and Sana became close. Sana tells her that she is not interested in her and she just wanted Tzuyu to be her friend. That's because she doesn't want to hurt her after all.

Tzuyu always picks her up. The latter is insisting on doing this and she also had no choice. Plus the people around them, she always felt those eyes on hers. They just couldn't believe that she was with Tzuyu, the girl they desired to have.

They're not on the same status, but Tzuyu didn't mind it at all. She likes Sana from who she really was and no one can stop her from that.

"Stay away from her or else!"Tzuyu warned the girl but the latter seems not to care

"Who? Do you mean Sana?"

"Yes, I want you to stay away from her. Is that difficult? Why can't you just do it?"Tzuyu said, looking at the said latter with full of anger

In that case, she saw this girl with Sana last Monday. Sana did not allow Tzuyu to pick her up because she was with this girl. And she hated that fact.

"Why would I? Who are you to tell me that, by the way?"the small short haired girl said with all her might

"You don't seem to know me"Tzuyu smirked

"You don't even know me, and I don't even give a damn care for who you are. I will do what I want to do, besides Sana is not interested in you. You're just forcing yourself on her"

Tzuyu's eyes were now flaming in fire, but she still tried to act normal before she ruin her precious plan.

"And do you also think that Sana is interested in you?"

"As far as I know, you're always hurting her. And to answer your question, Yes! She's close to liking me. I've known her for years and you? You have only known each other for months. So I'm telling you, Ms. Stop being delusional and stay away from her"she said as she started to walked away

"Jung Eun-Bi! I swear you will never see the sun rise again!"Tzuyu uttured, wearing that evil smirk across her face

The said girl suddenly felt a shiver across her spine the moment she heard those words. But then, she continued to walk.

Eunha is now heading to an empty street since this is the only way to her house.

Little did she know, someone is following her. Eunbi stopped just as she felt that someone is following her.

"Who's there??"Eunha whispered while looking around the empty street

When she was about to look behind her, she suddenly fell down when someone fired a gun and it hit her in the head.

The culprit then went to check on Eunha's unconscious body, making sure she was already dead.

"If you just listened to me, this won't happened to you"Tzuyu said with a smirk, cleaning her gun with a towel to avoid any evidences that can be use by her


"Where have you been, Tzuyu?"Nayeon asked. Tzuyu just got here late and she's worried.

"I just cleaned some mess"Tzuyu said, smiling widely and sat on her office chair

"Your smile was a bit creepy, have you convinced Eunha to stay away from Sana?"

"Gladly, she won't bother Sana anymore"Tzuyu's smile never fades

"What's with your smile? Don't tell me you did something wrong again?"

Nayeon sighed heavily and grab all her strength just to say this words to the latter,

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