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Tomorrow afternoon

Policemen have already found Eunha's body in the Han river after she went missing on Monday. Some guy saw her body floating in the water and called the police right away.

Investigators are already doing their work to find the culprit behind this incident. They found out that Sana was the last one with her before everything happened. And she become their first suspect.

Momo didn't come to Chou's company today as she's sick and now, Sana's here with her, visiting her since she has no one to talk to.

"Wait, what? Eunha's dead?

"I am their only suspect, Momo. It doesn't mean that I was the last one she was with, I'm also the one who killed her. I didn't do anything, I can't do that to Eunha"Sana sighed, closing her eyes in frustration

"I know Sana, I know. You can't do that, I trust you"Momo said, cheering her up
"They don't even have a suspect except you. It seems like the murderer did his best to hide his fucking identity"she shooked her head

"I was wondering who really did this to her. She doesn't get into fights, I've known her since high school, Momo"Sana said, lowering down her head

"We do not know? Maybe she got into a fight. You're not always by her side so who knows?"


After their conversation, Sana left Momo's unit.

It didn't end long and Nayeon came to visit her apartment with a foods on her hands.

"Momo ya! I bought your favorite food!"Nayeon said excitedly and headed towards the younger's table
"How are you now?"she counted

"I'm actually fine right now"Momo glance at the foods
"Is that a jokbal?"she asked happily

"Yes. I want to eat with you and to take care of you as well. You know, Tzuyu is always with Sana so I don't have anyone with me"Nayeon uttured, that changed Momo's mood at the mention of that name.
"Ya, why are you like that? Is there something wrong?"she worriedly asked

"I-I just remembered Sana"Momo said in a low tone

"Why? What happened to her?"

"About Eunha. . . Her body has been found and Sana is their only suspect. I know, Sana and I know she can't do those kind of things"

Nayeon got frozed from her spot. Something popped into her mind, something that might be connected to Eunha's issue. She suddenly remembered Tzuyu— their conversation on Monday.


"Where have you been Tzuyu?"Nayeon asked. Tzuyu just got here late and she's worried.

"I just cleaned some mess"Tzuyu said smiling widely and sat on her office chair

"Your smile was a bit creepy, have you convince Eunha to stay away from Sana?"

"Gladly, she won't bother Sana anymore"Tzuyu's smile never fades


Hell No, Tzuyu.

Momo is now waving her hands infront of Nayeon. She's been spacing out for a while and she doesn't even know the reason why.

"YAHH UNNIE!!!"Momo shouted, that made the latter came back to her own senses

"S-Sorry what is it again?"

"You're spacing out unnie, why? Don't tell me you know something about this case?"Momo folded her arms, which widened the latter's eyes

"No! I-I don't, really"Nayeon quickly shoots up

"Oh come on, unnie. I'm your friend, you can tell it to me"Momo said and went closer to her

"No this isn't, tell me I'm wrong"Nayeon said that didn't clearly sink on Momo's mind. She's just looking at her with a question mark all over her face.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand you"Momo questioned

"I still have something to do. Take these foods! Bye!"Nayeon said, leaving the clueless Momo alone

Nayeon is now currently leaving Momo's unit. She wanted to make sure if Tzuyu is the real culprit behind this.

"No, she can't be. Tzuyu just can't. She's in a big trouble"Nayeon mumbled to herself as she headed at Tzuyu's Condo

"Tzuyu! Let me in!" Nayeon yelled while knocking on the door. It didn't take long and the door opened, revealing Tzuyu.

"What are you doing here, unnie? Wait, did you just run?"Tzuyu asked in full of confusion

"Tzuyu, who is— Oh Nayeon unnie!"Sana suddenly came

"I'm sorry, Sana. But can I borrow Tzuyu for a while? I just want to ask her something important. . . Just a minute"Nayeon pulled Tzuyu along with her, where they can't be seen by Sana

"Hmmm? What now?"Tzuyu raised a brow, waiting for her to answer

"Tzuyu, I-I want you to be honest with me"Nayeon said, meeting Tzuyu's emotionless eyes
"Did you kill Eunha?"she asked, trying not to sound so loud so that Sana won't hear their conversation

"What kind of question is that?"Tzuyu asked, avoiding her gaze

"Tzuyu, you can't lie to me. Just tell the truth, did you kill Eunha?"Tzuyu chuckled

"That's what she deserves"Tzuyu was about to leave when Nayeon pulled her by her arms

"You mean, you're telling me that you killed her?"Nayeon just wanted to make sure. She wanted to hear it in her own mouth.

"Yes, I killed her. Go on tell them. . . And I will make sure you will be my next target"

"You know me, Tzuyu. I won't do that"

"Well that's good then, you may now take your leave"

"Y-Yeah— Goodbye, Sana! Have a nice dinner"Nayeon gave Sana an embrace before she leaves

"Bye, unnie. Take care!"Sana bid a goodbye

"Bye!"Nayeon said, but before she leaves she glance at Tzuyu

Miyeon is in danger, I need to do something.


"Jihyo ya! Did Miyeon come here to work?"Nayeon said to her neighbor, who's also her co worker

"Actually, I didn't saw her earlier, why?"Jihyo replied, Nayeon got stiffened in her position as she felt the cold water poured down on her whole body
"Hey, unnie? You're acting weird tonight"she added

"Nothing. It's just— she just started yesterday and now she's gone"Nayeon lied. She doesn't want to, but she needs to.

"Yeah I think of that too. She didn't even informed us or leave a reason"

"Maybe she's just sick"Nayeon smiled and tapped her shoulders
"Thanks for the time, I still need to rest so bye!"she then left

"Bye?"Jihyo said, but Nayeon is already gone
"Oh yeah, she didn't even let me finish"she shook her head

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