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Sana has been cold to Tzuyu these days ever since Dahyun came into their life, that's why Tzuyu hires a spy to find out what's really going on with the older girl. She found Sana suspicious these following days. She just hope it's not because of her friend, Dahyun.

The spy always sends pictures and videos to her wherever Sana goes, she felt relieved when she finds out that Sana only goes to the restaurant to eat and walk alone. So she could finally take a deep breath.

5 Months later

Tzuyu and Sana barely see each other due to Tzuyu's busy schedule at her company. However, she still doesn't forget about her girlfriend, she always leave a text messages and calls from her.

But she doesn't even know that Sana and Dahyun have always been together, without her knowing it. Tzuyu suppresses her doubts about Sana because she trusted the latter, she knows that Sana will never cheat on her. Yet, she doesn't know that Sana's seeing Dahyun more than her— her own girlfriend.

"I miss you. You don't have to do this, babe"Dahyun said while hugging Sana from behind

"You know we need to move away first, Tzuyu found you suspicious already, you know that"Sana said and caressed her girlfriend's face as Dahyun just nodded

"But. . . When are you going to tell this to Tzuyu, babe?"Dahyun said while holding Sana's hand

"This is not the right time, Dahyun ah"

"Babe, we've been hiding our relationship for a long time, it's already more than a few months. I think she needs to know"Dahyun snapped, convincing her girlfriend

Yes, they have been dating for a few months and they are hiding it from Tzuyu. When Tzuyu is busy with her work, they are secretly seeing each other and meet at Dahyun's place.

Sana just found out that she still loves Dahyun when Tzuyu isn't around.

After all, she wanted to tell Tzuyu but she was afraid that she might get hurt again, she hasn't told Dahyun about it yet because she doesn't want to ruin Tzuyu's image to her.


Today is a special day for Tzuyu and Sana but the Japanese girl forgot about it. Tzuyu actually tried to invite her but she said she was busy, Sana is not like that the very first time they become together.

She finds it suspicious so she goes to Sana's apartment, she waits there for almost an hour, she just sits in her car in front of Sana's apartment. But for her shock, she saw her girlfriend together with her bestfriend, Dahyun with their intertwined fingers. She suddenly felt a sting in her heart.

She can't handle the pain anymore, that's why she just returned to her Condo, not caring if her tears were already streaming down her face. She wants Sana to say this directly to her, she doesn't want this.

She literally changed everything to herself just for Sana, but then this is what she got.

It all happened in a flash as Nayeon arrived to her Condo.

"Hey Tzuyu? Are you okay?"Nayeon said while heading at Tzuyu's direction

"Unnie, tell me. . . Am I not enough? Why did she do this to me?"Tzuyu said as her tears began to flow down her cheeks

"Why, what happened? I don't understand you"Nayeon said while wiping the younger one's tears

"Sana. . . Sana cheated on me, Dahyun was with her right now. She even forgot about our Monthsarry today"

"W-who knows? Maybe she's just a friend to Sana. Tzuyu, don't think too much like that"Nayeon said, calming the younger one

"Unnie, you don't know. I'm already suspicious of Dahyun unnie, she even kissed Sana when she first came here— now tell me are they really friends?"Tzuyu said as tears fell from her eyes

"Tzuyu, I'll talk to Dahyun"Nayeon said but Tzuyu shook her head no

"No, unnie. I want to find out directly from Sana, I want her to tell me everything, I want her to be honest with me"Tzuyu faked a smile

Nayeon feels sorry for her friend, Tzuyu. She doesn't deserve this kind of pain, she changed herself for the better, but Sana just cheated her, she was only hurt in the end.

Tzuyu stopped killing someone since they became together. She no longer hurts Nayeon and other people as well. Her patience was long, unlike before when someone did something wrong she didn't hesitate to kill them, but now she has changed— she changed her life just for Sana. But all of that got ruined in an instant when Sana cheated on her.


Tzuyu went to Sana's place, she didn't go to her company for now so that she could have time with her girlfriend.

And there she saw the older, cooking her lunch. When she arrived at the kitchen, she immediately wrapped her arms around the latter's waist. She misses her, she misses her hugs, her kisses, her smell, everything for Sana, she misses her so so much.

"Love. . ." Sana said then faced her girlfriend, she suddenly felt sorry for what she was doing to Tzuyu

"I miss you"Tzuyu said and kissed her on the lips

"I miss you too"Sana smiled, giving her a warm embrace
"You didn't go to work?"she asked curiously

"I didn't, I want to have more time with you, I want you to know that I can leave my company, my job- just for you. You are more important than anything else, I will only choose you so I hope you will do the same. I love you so much"Tzuyu tried not to cry

"I will choose you no matter what happens, Tzuyu ah"Sana said while caressing the latter's face

Is this true? But why did you cheat on me behind my back. . .

"I love you Sana, just promise me that you won't leave me, I want you to be honest with me, there are no other secrets. . . just tell me and I will understand everything"

Sana's mouth just opens and closes, she wants to say something but she can't, it feels like the devil have cutted her tongue. She is confused about her true feelings for Dahyun and Tzuyu right now.

"I will understand if you don't love me anymore, Sana"Tzuyu faced her and kissed her on the forehead
"I love you. . . I will never get tired of telling you this, Sana"Sana tried everything to stop her tears from falling

I feel sorry for her— she doesn't deserve me, she deserves someone better.

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