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Tzuyu is now experiencing trauma ever since her mother killed her own father and she was still 12 years old that time.

Everyone knew that Tzuyu is good a kind-hearted person. But they do not know how she treated her friend, Nayeon.

She's always hurting her, especially when the older girl is not following her commands. But Nayeon didn't mind it. The reason why? she was in love with her bestfriend. That she is ready to accept everything even if it causes her pain.

She loves her not because she is her bestfriend, but Nayeon loves her in a very romantic way. It all started when she saved her life when she was still an eighteen-year-old. Tzuyu already killed that person, the person who almost raped and killed her. She's sometimes caring and sweet when it comes to her.

That was the exact reason why she's inlove with Tzuyu, even if she's a bit PYSCHO.

Who wouldn't fall for the one and only Chou Tzuyu?

She has everything that boys and girls wished for. But do they know what's her true color? The answer is no. People just base it on the outside appearance, not even minding what they really are from the inside.

The taller girl are acting nice when a lot of people are around, but behind that it's the opposite. She wanted everything to be perfect and if you made a simple mistake, you're dead.

Her mood always swings into different one.

But when she was still young she has a good heart, not until she had a trauma. Added to that was the death of her mother. She blamed all the cops that caused her mother to be in prison, her mother got sick and died inside.

And after that, she hated many of the the cops out there.


"You have no right to talk to me that way, I am your boss and you are just one of my employees"Tzuyu said blankly, playing with her gun behind her back, enough for her employee to not to be seen

"You treated me so unfair! You can't do this to me, Ms. Chou! You're a mons—"her employee did not able to finish her sentence when Tzuyu shooted her right into her head

"What in the world are you doing, Chou Tzuyu?!"Nayeon had her eyes fixed to an unconscious girl, she couldn't believe she did it inside her office- with many people around there

"You're used to it right?"Tzuyu stared at her without showing any signs of emotions, which scared the shit out of Nayeon
"I'm done with this shit. Clean it"she said as she walked away and left Nayeon together with the dead body. She has no other choice to clean her the latter's mess.

"What a crap"

Tzuyu kills everyone who doesn't follow her, she doesn't let anybody control her even if it's her friend. She always get anything that she wants and if don't, she will do anything just to get that thing.

Tzuyu is a stubborn girl that everyone knows. They know that side of her. They know she is just a stubborn person, but they didn't know what's really in her. They didn't know she's a killer. She had no mercy. For her being a killer is just a game.

"Done cleaning up?"Tzuyu asked the moment she saw Nayeon heading inside her office

"Yes. Why are you always killing your employees infront of me huh?"Nayeon said as she glared at her friend

"Are you dumb or something? Of course you are the only one who I trusted the most"Tzuyu said while giving the older one a greatful smile

"Just be thankful that I love you"Nayeon said, showing her a cute bunny smile

"Oh? Thank you then"

"A nice word from Tzuyu everyone!"Nayeon said as she looked at the imaginary audience while clapping her long slender hands

"What in the world, Im Nayeon?"Tzuyu said while rolling her eyes

"Stop calling me by my whole name, Chou Tzuyu"

"Well, you called me by my whole name too"

"But you started it, that's why I copied you"

"You're a copycat, bunny" Tzuyu said, throwing some papers right into her friend's face

"How dare you throw a trash on my beautiful face?"Nayeon said while faking her tears

"Such a best actress, you deserve an oscar award unnie"Tzuyu walked away. She's done with her high level of confidence.

"Let's eat dinner together!"

"My treat!"Nayeon added, making the younger one agreed

"The best thing you ever did. Bye! See you at 7"Tzuyu said as she completely disappeared



"Are you sure your friend is nice?"the black short haired girl with a bangs asked while eating her food nonstop

"Yeah a little, but don't worry she won't bite"the older one chuckled

"Give me water!"said the girl who was now choking in her food

"Idiot! The food is just there, calm down you pig"Nayeon said and handled her friend a water. After giving a water to her food lover friend, her phone suddenly rangs.
"I'm just going to answer this, just stay here and eat calmly the food will not run away okay?"she said as she walked away and answered the phone

I'm gonna be late. I'm on a heavy traffic, holy crap!

I'm willing to be patient here. Calm down, you bitch.

This is your fucking fault! If you hadn't invited me to have dinner with you, I wouldn't be in this kind of situation!

Hey hey! I'm sorry, okay? I just wanted to have some time with you. You know, you're busy these passed few days.

Fine! I'll hung this up now bye!

Tzuyu then ended the call as Nayeon came back to her seat earlier.

"Such a hot headed, yoda"Nayeon mumbled as she sat besides her friend

"Hey? Are you alright? What did she said to you this time? Did she raised her voice to you again? That kid had no respect. You're older than her, right?"said the girl while munching her foods

"But she's my friend"

"Friend? Only friend? You're always defending her. Why? Are you really inlove with that girl?"

"Ya! I told you! I don't have any romantic feelings towards her"Nayeon said, rolling her eyes

"Too much defensive, eh?"

"Have you waited for too long?"the two girls got stopped and stood up right after they saw the taller girl heading towards them

"Umm no Ms. Chou just a little bit"the short haired girl said while scratching the back of her neck
"By the way my name is Hirai Momo, it's a pleasure to meet you. They were right you're more than beautiful in person!"Momo said as she handed her hand to the taller

"It was nice meeting you, Hirai Momo and thanks for the compliment"Tzuyu said as she claimed the short haired girl's hand

"You're welcome, please have a seat"Momo said as the three of them took their seats
"Hmm I think she's a good one"she whispered, which Nayeon gave her a glare

"Pay attention"Nayeon said while listening to her taller friend

After the meeting, Momo got completely hired as Tzuyu's secretary. She hired Momo that fast as she trusted Nayeon very well.

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