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Tzuyu is waiting in front of Sana's apartment while sitting in her car.

A few minutes later, two familiar girls arrived in front of Sana's apartment with their fingers intertwined. The looks on their eyes— it tells that they are so happy with each other.

Tzuyu frowned and clenched her fist as she took the knife with her. She saw them entering the apartment so she prepared herself to enter there as well.

"I knew it! That's why you didn't let me pick you up, you were with someone else. . .Let's see—"Tzuyu said, the corner of her lips rose up forming an evil smirk

Sana did not allow her to pick her up, telling she's busy.

Busy with that?

Busy with Dahyun, Tsk.

Tzuyu then made her way to Sana's front door and went inside slowly without them knowing it but before that, she assured that the door was locked. She went upstairs and saw the two cuddling in Sana's bed— when Dahyun was about to kiss Sana then she made a noise for them to stop.

"Wait, I'll just check it for a while, babe"Dahyun said then left Sana's room

When Tzuyu heard their endearment, she clenched her fist and her blood began to boil.

She saw Dahyun come out, it was time for her to kill the latter. She smirked.

Tzuyu carefully hide behind her back as she pulled and covered the smaller's mouth with a towel so she couldn't scream.

But then, Dahyun pushed and let go of her hands.

"T-Tzuyu?"Dahyun widened her eyes as if she was seeing a ghost

"Oh? Why are you so surprised, stealer? I'm your best friend but why did you do this to me? Why?!"Tzuyu whispered yelled

"Tzuyu, let me explain. . ." Dahyun said in a nervous tone

"Explain what? I saw it with my two eyes, you two cheated on me behind my back!! You fucking stealer"

"T-Tzuyu, we didn't mean to hurt you— I swear. . ."Dahyun was surprised when Tzuyu showed the knife in her right hand
"W-what's that? W-what was t-that for?"she stammered

"For you"Tzuyu said stabbed Dahyun in her side

"T-Tzuyu. . . please, d-don't do this, w-we didn't mean it"Dahyun said while holding onto Tzuyu's hands, which was holding a knife

"Liar! Go to hell, bitch! Just wait for your girl, wait for Sana in hell"Tzuyu said and stabbed Dahyun once again, but this time- in her neck. The second time she removed it, the latter fell to the floor as her blood splattered
"You deserve to die"she chuckled and started walking, waiting for Sana to come down

"Dahyun ah! Where have you been?! YAA DAH—"Sana saw Dahyun with blood all over her body so she quickly ran to her and slapped Dahyun's face lightly
"Wake up, Dahyun. P-please, don't leave me. . . Who did this to you?"she said while shaking Dahyun's body

"Me"Tzuyu said, showing up wearing that smirk of hers

But her emotion changed in an instant,

"I thought you loved me.. but why did you cheat on me and why on my friend?"Tzuyu stares at her

"Tzuyu, w-we didn't mean it, it wasn't our intention. . . we meant to tell you this but—"Tzuyu cutted her off

"You still cheated on me and you deserves to die"Tzuyu took out her knife
"Run"she snapped, which Sana did as she run as fast as she can


Sana is now hiding in her cabinet. She was now shaking with fear, she didn't expect Tzuyu to be like this, she knew it was their fault but it wasn't right to kill them.

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