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Sana got woken up from her dream and she was with Tzuyu in the same car. Tzuyu noticed her so she looked over her with a worried face, parked the car for a while and stopped.

"Love, is there something wrong?"Tzuyu asked her girlfriend worriedly

"I had a bad dream"Sana said, Tzuyu just nodded

"Sana— I-I want to know the truth, please be honest with me. . . D-do you have a relationship with- D-Dahyun unnie? I know you have no intention of telling me this so instead of me asking you- tell me, I won't hurt you, I won't be mad at you, just please. . . Tell me the truth" Tzuyu said with a fake smile on her face

"Y-yes, Tzuyu. We have a relationship. I'm sorry I kept it from you, I'm sorry I cheated on you. I didn't mean to fall in love with Dahyun when you weren't around. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, Tzuyu"Sana said as her tears fell down

"Shhh don't cry, it's not your fault at all. Maybe we're not really meant to be together. Thank you because you changed me, I changed because of you" said Tzuyu while caressing Sana's face
"Sana. . . Always remember that I love you so much, you'll always be here in my heart. If she hurts you, I'll be here, stupid if stupid, but I will still accept you— Go to her now. . . Dahyun unnie is waiting for you"she said with a cracked voice

Tzuyu opened the passenger's door for her and look at her for the last time.

"I-I'm letting you go Sana, be happy with Dahyun unnie, I love you"Tzuyu said then kissed her on the lips for the last time. Sana followed Tzuyu and went to Dahyun.

Few months later

Sana didn't know but she doesn't feel happy with Dahyun, she feels like something is missing.

She questioned herself if she really loves Dahyun.
Did she just choose Dahyun because Dahyun is always there for her not because she really loves the small girl?
Did she just choose Dahyun because
Did she just choose Dahyun because she is close to her and Tzuyu is not always there for her?
All the questions throw into her mind, she's questioning her love to Dahyun.

Sana doesn't know but she is not happy with Dahyun anymore, it seems like something is missing.

Sometimes she's questioning herself if she really loves Dahyun.

Did she only choose Dahyun because she's always there for her not because she really loved the little girl?

Did she just choose Dahyun because she feels unwanted to Tzuyu?

Is it because Dahyun was close to her when Tzuyu wasn't always there for her?

All the questions were running through her mind, she was questioning her love for Dahyun.

Is this wrong?

"Hey, Sana. You're spacing out"Dahyun said while shaking the older

"I'm sorry." Sana said and finally back to her senses

"Sana are you happy with me?."Dahyun asked in a low tone

"Yes Dahyun, why did you suddenly ask that." Sana said without any eye contact to the smaller girl but Dahyun shook her head

"You ain't happy for me Sana, I'm not blind...tell it to me do you love Tzuyu?." Dahyun suddenly said

"Dah... Dahyun." Sana stuttering without looking at Dahyun's eyes

"Your not even looking at me, I know you Sana... Your always been like that the last day you and Tzuyu broke up, Sana be honest to me. I know you love Tzuyu. Maybe you just thought that you love me because I'm with you when Tzuyu is busy with her work but deep inside Tzuyu.. Tzuyu is on your heart. Sana don't lie to yourself you love her, I'm letting you go Sana, I'm not happy that your like that, I will not be selfish. I'm happy that your happy Sana... go to her Sana."Dahyun said then leave

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