chapter 7

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"Are you nervous?"

"It's not my first show you know..."

"It's the first show of your world tour, it's a big deal"

"Mhm," he mumbles under his breath.

*sigh* "Can we get a mic check please"


"where the fuck is Styles? he's on in 2 minutes! does he think this is a joke?"

The stage manager busts through the door with a pocket watch in his left hand and a clipboard in his right, a burnt-out cigarette hanging on for dear life between his thin lips, dramatically tapping his foot on the concrete floor.

"Les relax you know what he's like, but you also know he won't be late"

A stage crew member reassured him rolling her eyes stubbornly.

Meanwhile strolling through the back entrance on the left side of the building, the missing man of the hour made his way in his beat-up white vans. He was supposed to be on stage but before every show, he took it upon himself to go wander about like he was in no rush and had practically nothing to do. He paced up and down the hidden hallways panting gently. His tatted hands holding a small glass of gin & tonic to the left and a packet of cigarettes in his right palm, clothed in a grey t-shirt with a red lipstick mark near to the bottom over his hips, black skinny jeans, and a joint of cannabis between his lips unlit. He walked right up to the bathroom mirror, taking a red lighter from his pocket, lighting it and filling the room with smoke, inhaling once, proceeding to throw it on the floor carelessly. Quickly taking off his stained shirt, revealing his inked body and structured abdomen, changing it to a black button-up shirt with dark sunglasses and his signature cross-chain tightly wrapping around his neck. Taking a final look in the mirror he smiled a cheeky smirk at himself proceeding to start moving through the arena towards the stage.

He had never really been out of the spotlight. He started singing from the age of 16 with 4 other boys he grew up with after 3 eventful but fun years they decided to go their separate ways and all went solo. He still keeps in contact with them of course but it's never been the same I mean how can it be? everything changed. After all, he is only a 19-year-old boy with no parents, a lot of responsibility and doesn't forget to mention a guilty conscience eating away at him. He was born in Redditch but moved with his parents to London when he was younger, a busy city with a lot to see and a lot going on although he didn't ever settle in as it reminded him too much of his family and the history behind it, tending to try and stay as busy as possible if he was in a new city, a new state he would stay there for a while, for however long it took to occupy his mind. Anything to stay away from home, anything to avoid his problems.

"Where the fuck is he? stupid boy doesn't know responsibility-"

"Chill the fuck out Les I'm here aren't I."

calmly walking up the stairs towards the side of the stage facing his waist unbothered he answers sternly not paying attention to anything been said tightening his belt and untucking his top.

"whatever harry you need to be on stage now"

"yeah yeah,"

he sighs with an unbothered tone placing his earpiece in his left ear looking over to the stage crew rolling his eyes into the back of his head with a smirk.

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