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the two start arguing, and that's when tori says:

"what is your deal jade? i've been at this school for years now and you still treat me like i'm the worst person you've ever met. every time we make up, every time i think we might finally be friends you always go right back to hating me and frankly  i don't think that's fair."

jade scoffs. "fair, tori?" fair?" "tell me, vega- what part of you is fair?" "you get into my school with just one performance, you kiss my boyfriend on your first day, and you never get in trouble for anything!"

-tori tries to interject but jade interrupts,

then, you weasel your way into MY friend group and all of a sudden, everybody loves you!" they say "let's all go to toris house guys won't that be fun!" "you wanna know what the worst thing about you is vega?"

*tori rolls her eyes*

"every time i make it clear how much i don't like you, you just keep butting in and trying so desperately to make me like you. what part of that is fair, tori? what part of that is fair."

" you know what, you can keep my scissors. you've already taken everything else from me. anyway."

jade storms out of the room, choked up and her eyes filling with tears- which is a highly unusual occurrence.

tori begins to reflect, on what jade said. she finally falls to sleep.

a/n: i know this is a short chapter but if i carry on it'll be like 700 words which is double the usual so yeah sorry

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