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it's the day of graduation, sinjin and berf prepared a slideshow from all them and the squads years at hollywood arts. the gang throw their graduation caps up, and their journey is finally over.

<at their lockers>
the halls are empty, it's just beck,tori, jade,andre,robbie, cat and trina. everyone finished emptying their lockers, and they simultaneously closed their doors, and walked to the centre of the hallway. they all trade looks, but nothing is said.
tori chimes in, "well.. i guess."
but again, nobody has anything to say.
andre speaks up, "we should probably leave before they close up and turn off the lights."
to which cat responds with, "can we atleast play one more game?"
tori smiles, and says, "apples are falling out of my butt."
"what?" jade asks.
tori clarifies, by saying "alphabetical improv is the game we played on my first day here; the reason we're all the friends we are today, so let's play alphabetical improv!"
andre smiles, and responds with,
"but, tori, this might be the last time we see each other."
r: "can we still be friends after this?"
c: "different schools sure sounds like a big deal.."
b: "even if we still hang out, it won't be the same.."
jade grinns, and adds, "forgetting something,vega? you still owe me a pair of scissors."
trina: "great! so you can all come over and help us look for them!"
tori: how about you let me keep the scissors as something to remember you by?"
andre: " i think that's a great idea tori, we should all give each other something to remember each other!"
robbie: just be sure to keep in touch whenever we can."
cat: kindly give me you're phone numbers, emails and social media's so we can stay in touch."
beck: luckily, we already have each other's phone numbers, emails and social medias."
jade: "my my, how quickly the years went by.."
trina: "not for me, i feel like i've been here forever!"
tori: of course you do trina, you're older than us!"
andre: perhaps.. she failed a grade?"
robbie: quirky little trina probably just wanted to stay with us for another year!"
cat: rex! wait rex! what happened to rex?"
beck: "safe, and sound in robbies backpack!"
jade: "this is it, huh? what happens next.. where do we go from here?"
trina: "umm.. honestly guys, i'm scared. what will our lives be like when we leave?"
tori: "victorious. no matter where we go, no matter how much we change, no matter who we become, we will always be victorious."

beck puts his arm around jade, cat takes robbies hand, and they all leave hollywood arts together. and the lights in the school turn off, but toris locker, is still shining.

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