0. butterflies

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I hate this place. There should be no reason for me to be here but here I am. I rushed through the front door of our family house and rushed through the foyer heading straight for the stairs. I spotted my older brother Ace in the corner of my eye, but I didn't stop.

"And where have you been little sister," he asked at the bottom of the staircase. "dad wanted you here early,"

"I know idiot I got held up," I said acceding up the steps

I didn't get held up I simply made myself late I was sitting in my parked car in a parking lot simply having a little relief before I had to join everyone here at my home.  More like I didn't want to see him here.

I know he gonna be here, he's my brother's best friend so of course, he gonna be here. I don't know why I'm so worried he practically forgot about me after that night or more like kept ignoring me as he did before.

"dad looking for you so hurry up," he pointed out I stopped and shot my eyebrows up looking at him simply peering over the railing.

"for what purpose? " I asked tapping a single finger against the railing.

he rolled his eyes and waved his hand around "how the hell would I know he just sent me to get you,"

"okay well cover for me please," I begged him

I know he was gonna cover for me anyways considering he is my older brother, Ace covers for me even if I didn't ask him I guess it away he shows he worries for me or cares at least.

"don't worry kid just hurry up," I turned and continued up the stairs.

hearing the soft music from the party out below the window I walked past. I deeply wonder why the hell did my father Killian Douglas the billionaire of New York and legend of Rosemont a large Community in Pennsylvania was spending his thirty-nine birthday here I understand it is his hometown but for what exact purpose.

I walked down the hall turning the corner leading into my room seeing my dress was hanged up on my mirror. I'm guessing grandmother picked it out for me, I'm twenty, and she still manages to pick out my clothes probably not wanting me to show up looking like a whore.

I pulled my shirt over my head and removed my pants after. I was still sweaty after hooking up in the backseat of some dude's car, I shouldn't exactly say some dude, he is the old high school teacher he always had his eye on me but mines was never on his.

He is twenty-seven and has a kid who's like eight, but it is not a homewrecker if the wife dead right?  Even so, after I graduate I spotted him in the bar and one thing leads to another. it not an active thing it only when I'm in town.

I rushed into the shower turning on the water and hoping in before it can get fully hot I washed my body quickly, once I was done I dry off my body and slipped on my black underwear before slipping on my black dress.

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