6. play

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Giovanni ♤

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I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked to my room. It's been weeks since that night with ivory and the boys and I haven't seen her since, it almost like she avoiding us. I wonder why? 

It not like I care, I have been trying to avoid her since we were ten but she everywhere in my mind. And no matter how many girls I sleep with, she is always there, and that the fucking problem. Even when I don't want to think about her I do. Fuck!

I told myself I won't worry about another girl after her, But it seems ivory is gonna fuck that up for me.

Im thinking about her now. I need to stop.

I got ready for classes.


Classes finished, I share the last class with the boys and ivory, But she wasn't there. I walked out of the class and logan wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Man that class will be the death of me, I'm already failing," Logan exclaimed

"Yea I know but keep your classes up or the coach won't let you play," I said, It important we keep our grades up or none of us can play this season. I have no problem with that but Logan will, He isn't that bright.

"hey guys," A girl showed up in front of us and I notice it was Ivory friend I think her name was Lilly.

"Lydia right? " Robin asked and she nodded. shit, I was close. "I couldn't help to hear you need help in Mr, dinglebird class, Um ivory is passing that class with flying colors and she helping me maybe she can help you too," Lydia explained.

"I won't hesitate to ask, thanks And speaking of ivory where is she? " Logn asked "I have no idea the last I heard she had to go back to Rosemount for something and then she been MIA for the last couple of days," We nod our head

I walked away and they finished talking to her. Why did she go to Rosemount? I find myself thinking about her again. It feels wrong. I think about ivory to get my mind off her. I don't miss her, She the reason I won't ever be able to love anyone again.

But if I ever was capable to love again, It would be ivory. It would be her because for some reason she has always been a choice.

I Like how she gets my mind off everything, She makes me forget everything that happened. Although I think she thinks I hate her. The things I said to her on that summer night. I gave her a reason to hate me.

It better for her to hate me than fall for me, that can't happen.


the sweat drip down my forehead, Practice was just now over and the coach still making us run laps. All because of logan and robin.

"I'm sorry man I had to say it I couldn't hold it in," Logan breathe out running beside me. Basically, logan and robin were joking around and logan said that they would definitely fuck the coach's daughter, and they fucked up because the coach was listening. And now we are running because they can't keep their mouth shuts.

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